8 June 2011


It may be true that the fetus cannot think for itself. But if it could, what would it say?

"You're hurting me mama and I didn't sign up for this deal." Logically followed by, "I WANT OUT!"

If it could think, it would know that a drink here and there for an alcoholic would also mean inevitable binges along the way. It's the nature of the disorder. And the fetus is strapped in, defenceless against the cold splash of hard liquor flowing through that placenta and through the blood of the umbilical cord.

Imagine that you are a surgeon captured by aliens and they tell you in 9 months from now they will let you go. But while you are in their spaceship, they keep coming into your room with their special brain-cell-recovery tools to remove some of your brain cells. Once in a while, they'll come and take a whole chunk of brain cells, sometimes for days in a row. Then they'll be good to you for awhile before the cycle starts again.

How would you feel having someone remove your brain cells? Do you know what happens if someone takes your brain cells away? Of course you do. Therefore, 9 months is a really long time. Finally, you are set free and the aliens apparently made sure the whole world never noticed you missing, because, were you ever really there? You know, with the brain injury and all? Doc?

Your first patient rolls into the surgery room. Your job is to operate on the liver. As the operation begins you ask for the...my God...wait a minute...oh, the scalpel. Whew, you remembered. The next thing you forget is the name of the "extractor." Hey, if you are having a problem naming tools, you really should not be a surgeon. Well the decision has been made for you - YOU'RE FIRED! Actually, you were never hired anyway.

This is how it would be if you had FASD. In medical classes you likely would not have made it through the first module let alone the next and harder ones. Therefore FASD babies can never be surgeons.

What else could you not be with FAS? A lawyer (you can't remember your line of questioning at the trial); a senior manager at Chrysler (you can't solve logistics problems); a cinematographer (you can't remember three manoevers at the same time); an actor (you can't remember the lines); a computer programmer (you can't remember coding); and on and on. There will be no high education for you my dear alcohol-induced drinking victim. Your memory can be severely affected; you'll have difficulty in retrieving information; and you will be easily distracted, to name but a few of the hurdles.

Next time you think about drinking while pregnant, imagine aliens plucking away at YOUR brain cells because when you drink that is exactly what you're doing to the one you carry.

Let the fetus do its job of becoming your baby.

 No booze. No drugs. Being Real.

Fetuses Against FASD
Twitter: @fetuswinning

"The New Pregnancy Vision"

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