13 June 2011

Daily Pregnancy Tracker

I have found a really good daily pregnancy tracker that shows/tells the fetal development by day. Go to:    (or go down and see direct link:)

http://www.thecradle.com/ and see this home page:

Then select:

Here you will find your daily tracker. Pick any day of the 9-month term:

I put you through that to show you one link path. My advice is to do exploring on any site of interest by looking at every FASD page you might have to click through.

Direct Link

So for fun I'll track what happens on my birthday, assuming day 1 is Jan 1st, 2011. My birthday is May 8th, so we are looking for Day #128. And here is what it says:

Day 128 puts me at the beginning of the third trimester - a rapid growth trimester.
  • Over the next two days, lanugo (temporary downy hair) will begin to appear on my head and body. The lanugo helps hold the protective vernix on my skin, and by the time the I'm born, most of the lanugo will have disappeared.
Take care not to get too tired, since the rapid growth of the baby this month will compound the burden on your heart, lungs, and kidneys.

I'll show you what the lanugo (temporary downy hair) looks like:

For fun I'll do my friends birthday, March 3rd. That would be Day #62:

Day 62 puts my friend at the beginning of the 1st Trimester which begins the embryotic stage.

Your friend's baby now measures .62–.71 inches long (16–18 mm) and weighs about .033 ounce (0.94 g) — about as heavy as 1/5 teaspoon of water! Even though she is surrounded by fluid, she would not drown because she does not depend on lungs for her air. Oxygen comes to her from the mom through the umbilical cord blood.

So that's how it works. This is an especially great tool for substance abusers. It helps them to "see" exactly what's going on that day and the effects that are taking place within her body. The pregnant person can more able to feel the progress and get inspiration to abstain from their drug of choice. It's a good helper. And, Mom's, I really hope you listen to its advice and teaching.

Let the fetus do its job of becoming your baby.

No booze. No drugs. Being Real.

Fetuses Against FASD

Twitter: @fetuswinning

"The New Pregnancy Vision"

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