OBJECTIVE: To estimate the incidence of FASD.
+ MUST READ my 4th day sanity mixed with craziness...... at bottom in red. I'll tell ya, things are feeling a bit wierd during my BIG PLAN, if you will, that is supposed to gain exposure not for me, but for FASD. (bottom-ish)
But first read the third edition about how alcohol affects the brains of fetuses.
Today, we will be looking at another of the six major regions of the brain that give FASD babies the lives they have never asked for. They are: Frontal Lobes, Corpus Callosum, Hippocampus, Hypothalamus, Cerebellum, Basal Ganglia. Today, the hypothalamus:
The hypothalamus controls appetite, emotions, temperature, and pain sensation. Controls and influences many automatic functions of the brain through actions on the medulla, and coordinates many chemical or endocrine functions (secretions of sex, thyroid and growth hormones) through chemical and nerve impulse actions on the pituitary gland. Alcohol depresses the nerve centres in the hypothalamus and inhibits the pituitary secretion of anti-diuretic hormone (ADH), which acts on the kidney to reabsorb water.
“Prenatal alcohol exposure alters sexual differentiation in males, perhaps by altering some aspect of the prenatal androgen environment.” Our study demonstrated that exposure to alcohol during the third trimester, when components of the circadian system in the brain are developing, can lead to long-lasting alterations in the ability
to entrain the cycles to environmental cues, like light/dark cycle. These data suggest that dysfunction of circadian systems may contribute to some of the behavioural problems observed in children with FASD."
In mammals, the hypothalamus is a region of the brain located below the thalamus, forming the major portion of the ventral region of the diencephalon and functioning to regulate certain metabolic processes and other autonomic activities. The hypothalamus links the nervous system to the endocrine system by synthesizing and secreting neurohormones, often called releasing hormones, as needed that control the secretion of hormones from the anterior pituitary gland - among them, gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH). The neurons that secrete GnRH are linked to the limbic system, which is very involved in the control of emotions and sexual activity. The hypothalamus also controls body temperature, hunger and thirst, and cicadian cycle.
It seems I am writing 2 blogs now.
I went out today. Downtown Vancouver. I spoke on an open mike in the tent camp about the tent camp for justice between rich and poor at the art gallery. Most of my speech, however, was about my hunger strike. I was recieved well. I recieved some yahoos and yeehaws.
Then I went to the CTV News Room entrance and handed a guard an envelope explaining my strike. The letter requested an interview.
Then I boarded a bus to Honorable Dr. Hedy Fry's office and delivered the same letter that CTV received.
Then I went home and this is where I pick up the interesting part for you. I had pics taken of me on my hunger strike campaign. Here they are: remember please that my tired face is approaching day 5 of "I could eat a human being right now."
Then I went home (because I gotta tell ya, I don't have a lot of energy) but just before that I met a 59 year old woman by the name of May, by once again, the tent camp. May had lots to say. First, she told me of a doctor who had 2 babies. Both were born with health problems. One with a hole in the heart, the other with a bad spleen. May said the doctor was a coffee addict. I told May that coffee is not what I was fighting for, foremostly. She said enough caffeine, a drug in its own mind, was the problem because that very doctor went for 2 more kids after kicking the caffeine habit and they were healthy - no birth defects. That struck a note with me. And I already know that there are many other catalysts to birth defects besides alcohol and the usual drug-related births.
Then I get home, check my Email, and get this letter at 3:51pm and now I'm going into the blue:
Lamul Tiversité commented on your link.
Lamul wrote: "Hey dude, at the risk of being rude, very even, how about being militant about GUYS NOT raping women, and being critical about what MEN do to women in times of war and so on, and leave the moralism TO women to your self : when you get a uterus, you,ll get a say in what wmomen do with theirs, until then why not instead of giving lessons to women, focus on MEN'S dangerous and violent behaviours : you'll have plenty to do, AND it will be amongst your peers, NOT towards women who have had MORE than enough of guys telling us what to do with our bodies !!!
Mind men's irresponsibility around the world, warring, raping and making soldiers out of kids, neglecting them or treating them like their property, instead of minding women's business ! DO I seem enraged in my comment, I very well am ! Go after criminal women and kids sextraders, criminals that poddle those drugs and so on, NOT after women and their choices with their own bodies ! If you,r not happy with women having the entire say about what goes on during their pregnancies, well perhaps start with looking how crappy men treat women, others, and the planet FIRST, and keep your lessons for your self. :-("
Then a few minutes later (3:54pm)...
Mind men's irresponsibility around the world, warring, raping and making soldiers out of kids, neglecting them or treating them like their property, instead of minding women's business ! DO I seem enraged in my comment, I very well am ! Go after criminal women and kids sextraders, criminals that poddle those drugs and so on, NOT after women and their choices with their own bodies ! If you,r not happy with women having the entire say about what goes on during their pregnancies, well perhaps start with looking how crappy men treat women, others, and the planet FIRST, and keep your lessons for your self. :-("
Then a few minutes later (3:54pm)...
Lamul Tiversité commented on your link.
Lamul wrote: "... starve to put and end to what's going on with women beign killed and NO ONE paying any attention, right here in Canada ! more than 500 missing women have not been searched properly by men-dominted institutions that are supposed to protect ALL citizens, not only the property of rich people, or only the provilidged mostly white women ! How about starving for JUSTICE, instead of to give already vulnerable women (consumers of drugs, for example) MORE lessons and pressure and expectations !"
My answer in red:
My answer in red:
Lamul, it sounds like you have a dozen issues going on. You have started with one thing that has led into another and then into another. Here is my response to you:
The uterus does belong to a woman but in your rebuttal of my blog it seems you are forgetting about the fetus. That to me is sad. You can do whatever you want with yourself and I'm sure by your language that you darn well will. And you actually say, "at the risk of being rude...", well you were. You were rude to me. Most of the people who are signing my petition are women so get off your wacky horse if you think I belong to militant groups, rapists, moralism against women?, making soldiers out of kids (is she talking about Cambodia and the Khmer Rouge?). You girl will still get one good comment from me.
If you think for one second that I'm proud of my manhood for the crimes you mention, well, I'm not. But, girl, you are clattering at me for issues of which I do not touch. I am more worried about the fetus (not your "vagina") than I am about any of the other things you mentioned. I want healthy babes. That's all. About your other issues, talk to a psychologist and stay away from this innocent man.
Back to BLACK.
Folks, we see a lot and hear a lot. I've definitely brought out feelings. But I'm on everyone's side - everyone's newborn baby's side. Healthy babies and happy families. In a couple of blogs I have had to kind of defend myself. I'll say this. I am not scared or ashamed of anything I am doing or saying. I do have sympathy for the way women have been treated throughout history and into today. Personally I still can't grasp why it is allowed to go on. I just want you to know- I am but one person - me. And me is not a bad person.
If you think for one second that I'm proud of my manhood for the crimes you mention, well, I'm not. But, girl, you are clattering at me for issues of which I do not touch. I am more worried about the fetus (not your "vagina") than I am about any of the other things you mentioned. I want healthy babes. That's all. About your other issues, talk to a psychologist and stay away from this innocent man.
Back to BLACK.
Folks, we see a lot and hear a lot. I've definitely brought out feelings. But I'm on everyone's side - everyone's newborn baby's side. Healthy babies and happy families. In a couple of blogs I have had to kind of defend myself. I'll say this. I am not scared or ashamed of anything I am doing or saying. I do have sympathy for the way women have been treated throughout history and into today. Personally I still can't grasp why it is allowed to go on. I just want you to know- I am but one person - me. And me is not a bad person.

Why Punish Pain?
ReplyDeleteA hit of compassion could keep drugs from becoming a crime problem.
by Gabor Maté
All drug addicts, even (or perhaps especially) the abject and marginalized street user, seek in their habit the same paradise de Quincey rhapsodized: a sense of comfort, vitality, and freedom from pain. It’s a doomed search that puts in peril their health, societal position, dignity, and freedom. “I’m not afraid of death,” another patient told me. “I’m more afraid of life.”
What kind of despair could lead someone to value short-term pain relief over life itself? And what might be the source of such despair?