I am now on day 21 of my hunger strike and I will continue until I get someone from the government and/or the news to listen to the great message. But it escapes me how the great message is not spread more than I had expected, True, I have followers from a lot of countries, and still I feel so empty about it all. Not for lack of trying but for lack of care. What am I doing so wrong?
Yes, I eat something every 3rd or 4th day. If I were dead my goal would also die. But I'll tell everyone who reads this. Hunger pangs don't magically disappear. And the tummy doesn't shrink first. It's the limbs. They feel weak. The mind is dizzy. But as long as I shall live I will continue to go days without food. I haven't even checked Websites about starvation because I don't want to know what can happen to me. I figure when I get too dizzy, have a huge bowl of rice and vegetables. That's how it is. My best friend is worried about me. He is Paul. He still supports me.
Yes, I eat something every 3rd or 4th day. If I were dead my goal would also die. But I'll tell everyone who reads this. Hunger pangs don't magically disappear. And the tummy doesn't shrink first. It's the limbs. They feel weak. The mind is dizzy. But as long as I shall live I will continue to go days without food. I haven't even checked Websites about starvation because I don't want to know what can happen to me. I figure when I get too dizzy, have a huge bowl of rice and vegetables. That's how it is. My best friend is worried about me. He is Paul. He still supports me.
We always meet at Tim Horton's or Starbucks for a few hours every Friday night. He would testify that I always refuse food or a treat even if he payed for it. I used to always insist on a Bosten Cream donut. Now it is not allowed to me. Coffee, water, tea, or 1 glass of milk. Being on disability myself, I do not get that glass of milk every day.
Don't call me a martyre (Is that how you spell it?) and don't try to call me a hero or a saint or anything even close to that. I am happy to make this sacrifice- that's all. And I want to showcase it but few take me seriously. It's like the crosswalk that goes in only after someone gets killed. They don't plan it and neither do I. But if something should happen and the doctor said, "Eat or die," I think I'd rather die. I am not trying my best for nothing. Terry Fox killed himself prematurely by taking on his super-hero feat.
I actually feel guilty now to eat. It is more strong too because I think some of the news stations have yet to take my story seriously. Guess there is too much red tape. But it's true. I do feel strange after I eat something. I feel like I'm cheating. I know it may sound strange and for some, maniacal, but it's not to me. I was already given the big forfeit on being great at anything whn I was birthed by a drinking mom.
So if you really want listen and help, bother your MP. I mean bother he or she. Write one letter. Just one, and address to Steven Harper. It's free. Just write "Steven Harper" and "Prime Minister." His office will get it. And since I have many countries following me, I say with gratitude and a plea: Write to your Prime Ministers, Presidents, even congressmen. Write a single line like this:
I am sick of the world's #1 birth defect and I demand that you do something about it.
You must include your name, address, phone number - at least make sure you are tracable. You know, with a pile of mail we might actually get somewhere. Look at the size of my blogging. Surely you could write one sentence. Personally, I don't see that I can do much more short of killing myself. But I am doing that, am I not? I'm killing myself over this. Why? Why? Why?
So if you really want listen and help, bother your MP. I mean bother he or she. Write one letter. Just one, and address to Steven Harper. It's free. Just write "Steven Harper" and "Prime Minister." His office will get it. And since I have many countries following me, I say with gratitude and a plea: Write to your Prime Ministers, Presidents, even congressmen. Write a single line like this:
I am sick of the world's #1 birth defect and I demand that you do something about it.
You must include your name, address, phone number - at least make sure you are tracable. You know, with a pile of mail we might actually get somewhere. Look at the size of my blogging. Surely you could write one sentence. Personally, I don't see that I can do much more short of killing myself. But I am doing that, am I not? I'm killing myself over this. Why? Why? Why?

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