12 August 2011

Poor Sap Gets Fired For Refusing to Serve Alcohol to Pregnant Woman

Now this is sick news. A bartenderess related a shocking story. A man who was serving a table at a bar refused to serve alcohol to a pregnant woman. The group at the table (sickos in my opinion) made such a stink about it that the poor guy was fired. I don't think you would want to hear what I have to say about the manager who fired him.

Is this how our society protects unborn children? Apparently. This must stop now.

Someone please give me $5,000 so I can get my organization started. If I could throw in all that I can from my disability cheques (maybe 20 dollars), it would take me 20 years to start it myself. By that time 10's of thousands of children would be born with the full FASD syndrome that would cost taxpayers more billions of dollars.

Let the fetus do its job of becoming your baby.

No Booze. No Drugs. Being Real.

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