I have had the pleasure of sitting with the Right Honorable Dr. Hedy Fry (MLA) (Vancouver) and discussed the fasd fiasco. Hedy takes the issue seriously and does proactive work amongst her extremely busy schedule and I am proud to be her friend.
Bruce Ritchie, Moderator and CEO
FASlink Fetal Alcohol Disorders Society
2448 Hamilton Road
Bright's Grove, ON
N0N 1C0
FASlink Fetal Alcohol Disorders Society
2448 Hamilton Road
Bright's Grove, ON
N0N 1C0
Hi Anthony,
The incidence of FASD significant enough to require Special Education is 10% to 12% in Canada. I have attached my report and proof published in 2007. Please print it and give a copy to Hedy Fry and others.
PHAC admitted their 1% numbers are bogus and indefensible but the Conservatives' PMO won't allow them to change them. It means that government response to FASD is insignificant and what little funding they provide never makes it to the grassroots level. It is sucked back up by the bureaucracy by going to very expensive conferences, renaming existing programs, and redundant "research" that is ignored, etc. New programs are forbidden by the PMO. There is virtually no support at the parental level other than that provided by parent driven non-profit organizations such as FASlink.
I guess they would rather fund jails, jets and tax breaks for big corporations.
The incidence of FASD significant enough to require Special Education is 10% to 12% in Canada. I have attached my report and proof published in 2007. Please print it and give a copy to Hedy Fry and others.
PHAC admitted their 1% numbers are bogus and indefensible but the Conservatives' PMO won't allow them to change them. It means that government response to FASD is insignificant and what little funding they provide never makes it to the grassroots level. It is sucked back up by the bureaucracy by going to very expensive conferences, renaming existing programs, and redundant "research" that is ignored, etc. New programs are forbidden by the PMO. There is virtually no support at the parental level other than that provided by parent driven non-profit organizations such as FASlink.
I guess they would rather fund jails, jets and tax breaks for big corporations.
On Fri, Jul 22, 2011 at 11:03 AM, Anthony Baker (Kevin Zinger - adoptive name) <fafasd@gmx.com> wrote to Steven R. Bourne (Senior Specail Assistant to the Right Honorable Dr. Hedy Fry)
Hello Steven:
Please forward this directly to Hedy Fry. It is a reality studied and created by Bruce Ritchie of which I completely concur with and am extremely angry about. This is the (BLEEP) way our government is killing childrens futures and their families in the process. Sorry about the language but how do my colleagues and I get attention otherwise?!!! And yes, the government is doing the "killing" because NO PLAN is a plan of inaction - an inaction I am deeply sad about. There are people like myself who could use start up funding so that, in my case, I can enact my proactive prevention plan, my Safe Pregnancy Vision. Can you find me the money to pay for my organization start up? Likely not. Thousands of FASD born children every year that costs the taxpayers billions over the lifetimes of these children-to-adults just don't rate high enough on the scale of importance. But when someone gets killed at a dangerous part of some highway, the government funds a crosswalk light. Go figure. Some idiot walks in front of a car and the money comes pouring in. Did you know that I have serious nervous system problems that require the maximum dosage of nerve blockers and also the drug Oxycontin - a highly powerful and addictive drug? Next year I may have a back operation and a wheel chair will likely be in my future because my nervous system is getting the best of me year by year. This is no joke for me or the 10's of thousands of children/adults with FASD. I repeat - this is no joke
Please forward this directly to Hedy Fry. It is a reality studied and created by Bruce Ritchie of which I completely concur with and am extremely angry about. This is the (BLEEP) way our government is killing childrens futures and their families in the process. Sorry about the language but how do my colleagues and I get attention otherwise?!!! And yes, the government is doing the "killing" because NO PLAN is a plan of inaction - an inaction I am deeply sad about. There are people like myself who could use start up funding so that, in my case, I can enact my proactive prevention plan, my Safe Pregnancy Vision. Can you find me the money to pay for my organization start up? Likely not. Thousands of FASD born children every year that costs the taxpayers billions over the lifetimes of these children-to-adults just don't rate high enough on the scale of importance. But when someone gets killed at a dangerous part of some highway, the government funds a crosswalk light. Go figure. Some idiot walks in front of a car and the money comes pouring in. Did you know that I have serious nervous system problems that require the maximum dosage of nerve blockers and also the drug Oxycontin - a highly powerful and addictive drug? Next year I may have a back operation and a wheel chair will likely be in my future because my nervous system is getting the best of me year by year. This is no joke for me or the 10's of thousands of children/adults with FASD. I repeat - this is no joke
From: paul wong [mailto:poliwog2010@gmail.com]
Sent: July-22-11 2:07 PM
To: Kevin Zinger
Cc: steve.bourne@hedyfry.com; y.xie08@gmail.com; admin@thedoctorstv.com; thangway@yahoo.ca; personcentred1@yahoo.co.uk; brightsgrove@yahoo.com; bccomments@ctv.ca; yourhealth@ctv.ca; dennis.spiers@gmail.com; erich.harvey@hedyfry.com
Subject: Re:
Hope that the government care more about the FASD issue.
Sent: July-22-11 2:07 PM
To: Kevin Zinger
Cc: steve.bourne@hedyfry.com; y.xie08@gmail.com; admin@thedoctorstv.com; thangway@yahoo.ca; personcentred1@yahoo.co.uk; brightsgrove@yahoo.com; bccomments@ctv.ca; yourhealth@ctv.ca; dennis.spiers@gmail.com; erich.harvey@hedyfry.com
Subject: Re:
Hope that the government care more about the FASD issue.
So there it is Steven. The link to Bruce Ritchie's report is http://www.faslink.org/Probabilityofprenatalalcoholexposure.pdf. Bruce wants me to print it out but on disability, I just don't have the ink. Please print it out for me and leave it for Hedy's eyes. That would be a great step for my efforts. I won't stop, Steven. Something will have to get accomplished here, now.
Thank You Steven and Hedy Fry for your great support.
Anthony Baker (Adoptive Name: Kevin Zinger)fafasd@gmx.com
401-2133 Dundas Street,
Vancouver, BC V5L 1J7
Return letter from Steven Bourne:
Dear Anthony and Paul Wong.
Thanks for sending your emails and on going updates about FAFASD as you are aware, Dr. Fry is very concerned about the consequences of alcohol abuse and the particular effect it has on the foetus. Now as the Liberal Federal Critic for Health, it is even more important to receive your emails.
Steven R,. Bourne
Senior Special Assistant
Hon. Dr. Hedy Fry, P.C.,M.P.
Federal Liberal Party Critic for Health
Direct Telephone: 604 666 4466
105- 1030 Denman Street
Vancouver B.C.
V6G 2M6
Let the fetus do its job of becoming your baby.
No Booze. No Drugs. Being Real.

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