16 February 2012

FAS Secondary Characteristics – Honesty is Crucial

If the drinking mother knew what FASD was, she should readily admit it during pregnancy and at birth and minimize secondary characteristics through education and the extra care and attention the child will forever need. However, not all moms will admit honestly the extent to which they had drank or drugged because they don’t want to sound “awful” and face a stigma. That said, she is not helping the baby/child at all. An honest mother can make a huge difference in the child’s development and future success.

But whether it’s just ignorance (‘cause some people just don’t watch the news, read newspapers or generally engage themselves with media) or dishonesty, the earliest start time for special attention is immediate.

I know a woman who’s whole life consists of Maury Povich, court programs, and believe it or not, cartoons. After school her granddaughter watches TV, taking over from grandma. I lived in this woman’s house as a roomer and couldn’t help but to shake my head at a grandma who remains so blind. Oh, did I mention she’s a wino?

And so the situation lived itself out. Grandma’s daughters’ child was taken from the real mom by the government and grandma took over care of the child. The girl is 10 now. As far as I know, the girl’s mom does not drink because A-- (the 10-year old) seems very normal to me and shows absolutely no secondary characteristics. Yet. I say “yet” because every child with any of the FASD disorders can and usually are different in some way and A-- is still growing. FASD deficits may still be indiscernable.

I realize my blog specializes in "prevention," the "aftercare" blog here only shows a picture of what the future may be.

So, here is what a dishonest or ignorant (not knowing) mother (and her husband) should have been (should be) examining as the child grew/grows up after it's born:

A: Personal care:

1. Toileting

Four items including “Recognizes/ indicates need to go to toilet” and “Flushes toilet after use.”

2. Personal hygiene:

Five items including “Washes hands and face” and “Takes care of personal hygiene – body odor, nails, combing hair, (women) menstruation, (men) shaving.”

3. Eating

Five items including “Uses table utensils” and “Has general table manners – says “please” and “thank you”, uses Napkin, doesn’t talk with mouth full.”

4. Dressing

Five items including “Dresses and undresses at appropriate time” and “Does fasteners – buttons, zippers, snaps.”

B: Daily living skills:

1. Room management

Five items including “Keeps room tidy and/or accepts sharing of responsibility of room cleaning” and “Takes care of personal belongings.”

2. Kitchen skills

Five items including “Sets table – dishes, glasses, cutlery, clears after meal” and “ Puts away groceries, linens, dishes in appropriate place.”

3. Domestic skills

Five items including “Does minor household tasks – dusting, sweeping, tidying” and “Takes an interest in how house looks – pictures, plants, furniture arrangement.”

4: Telephoning

Five items including “Understands the function of a telephone” and “Takes telephone messages.”

5. Time

Five items including “Understands the purpose of a clock” and “Tells time.”

6. Health concerns

Five items including “Knows when he/she is ill and can indicate illness to others” and “ Makes doctors and dental appointments.”

C: Community access:

1. Transportation

Five items including “Is familiar with the neighbourhood and the services available” and “Behaves appropriately when using public transportation.”

2. Money

Five items including “Understands function of money” and “ Uses banking facilities.”

3. Shopping

Five items including “Goes on errands” and “ Can get assistance from store clerk.”

4. Leisure/ recreation

Five items including “Takes part in planned/ supervised leisure” and “ Satisfied with his own use of leisure time.”

5. Pre-vocational

Five items including “Follows instructions” and “Makes decisions or choices.”

D: Social skills:

1. Communication

Five items including “Knows what to do if lost – name, address, phone number” and “Asks for assistance or information when needs it.”

2. Awareness of others

Five items including “Smiles and greets people he/she recognizes” and “ Is not overly friendly with strangers.”

3. Interpersonal skills

Five items including “Makes friends” and “Shares with others but sets limits.”

4. Problem solving

Five items including “Knows what happens when he/she does well or when rules are broken” and “ Can work through a decision when given two choices.”

E: Maladaptive behaviours:

1. Antisocial behavior

Five items including “Lies or cheats” and “Takes others’ property without permission.”

2. Rebellious behavior

Five items including “Ignores regulations or regular routines” and “ Misbehaves in group settings.”

3. Stereotyped behavior and odd mannerisms

Five items including “Has stereotyped behaviors – rocks, twirls objects, paces” and “ Tears off clothing.”

4. Psychological disturbances

Five items including “Has hypochondriachal tendencies” and “ Demands excessive attention.”

5. Violent and destructive

Five items including “Threatens or does physical violence to others” and “ Has violent temper or temper tantrums.”

6. Inappropriate sexual behavior

Five items including “Engages in masturbation or sexual intercourse in inappropriate places or times” and “ Has tendency to direct sexual activity towards inappropriate others – unwilling partners, children.”

7. Self-abusive behavior

Six items including “Bites self” and “Bangs head or other part of body against objects.”

F: Health and physical care demands:

Five items including “Epilepsy” and “Diet”

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