Like the title says: I have had a number of devastating things happen in my life for months and the last one was the worst. With them all, I could barely touch my computer. I felt like I could barely move. I can't get into them but they had me practically paralyzed in life in general. And without details I can only say that this kind of thing could happen to anyone - as they do. So thanks for your patience in waiting for my blog here. Tomorrow, I will start a series of great importance to anyone who reads this. It begins with a man by the name of...
Bruce Ritchie, QS,BA,FMC,ITP, APWFASD, a man who is the moderator of FASlink, a Fetal Alcohol Disorders Society. He has done thee study on FASD. There is no study as complete as his and he has granted me full permission to share many of the 50 pages of his study freely to you because as he related in an Email to me,: "This information is for eveyone," even though it is copywritten. But that's Bruce.
He's a dashing fellow who to me is an FAS super-hero. Oh, he would never admit that. After even only a few Emails, his firm and friendly voice tells of a seasoned but uncomplicated pioneer in what you will read in at least the next 10 of my blogs. And I know that Bruce would not let me go without mentioned the great people he has worked with.
Bruce leaves his introductory page with a quote:
There are two ways to live your life.
One as though nothing is a miracle.
The other as though everything is a miracle.
Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
I know which life he lives by.

Let the fetus do its job of becoming your baby.
No Booze. No Drugs. Being Real.

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