30 April 2011

The Baby, the Fetus and the Polliwog - Your Polarization

April 30, 2011 is over. My blog began on April 1st and I’ve managed to reach many health professionals in 12 blogs with parts of my new vision on the prevention of FASD. First I blog, then I tweet. And this month I may open up a Facebook account.

But first blog 13 must fittingly end the month.

To end the month I’ve decided to attempt to dispel the (bi-) polar feelings mothers or fathers (friends, relatives, kids) have about the word, “Fetus."

According to Wikipedia: A fetus (also spelled foetus, fœtus, faetus, or fætus) is a developing mammal or other viviparous vertebrate after the embryonic stage and before birth

…after the embryonic stage and before birth.

For some reason, people forget this. On one hand they may know the educative meaning of the word, "fetus," but on the other hand they really don't use it even when it comes up in a doctors office, let at home or with family. I’ll admit, it is not the prettiest of words. But what do people think they are reading when they see that "fetus" in a magazine? They’re probably thinking baby instead.

Compare fetus to the word, baby. "Baby" sounds so much more engaging and a has a more pleasing feeling. The doctor speaks of “your baby,” (not "your fetus"). Mom and Dad are calling it baby anyway. I'm not saying I think that's bad. That’s why part of my strategy is to get rid of the stigmatism about this word “fetus” that many believe makes the “baby” sound a little less human; a little less intimate; a little less appreciated.

Interestingly, my birth sister, Sophie, and her common-law husband, Allen, called their fetus, “Polliwog,” even though they had picked out the name “Stephanie." To them it was cute. Were they showing they didn't care? Not at all. They were super fantastic people anticipating their first child with the same zeal and excitement that any new parents should have. But for education let’s look at the pictures of the three: the baby, the fetus and the polliwog feel the pull towards the baby.

Here’s a “baby," a "fetus," and a "polliwog."

By far, the baby is the best, right? Yet it still begs reality to mix with, well, "reality." Technically, they are all beautiful to me. That's right. A fetus and a polliwog and a baby. So I'll pick one...hmmm...the fetus. I believe the word fetus decribes one thing only and I love that thing because that thing will indeed be a baby one day, then a toddler, then an adolescent and then a teen and then a young adult, then marriage or getting that doctorate degree, and so on. This all comes from the fetus which comes from the egg and sperm that united. My goodness, is there somemone out there calling the egg or the sperm the baby too? (Not correct yet still, OK.)

So now I have to get to some facts about your baby (fetus, sperm and egg, toddler, adolescent, teen and young adult.)


It’s one thing to see good information accidentally in a waiting room while flipping through the pages of TIME MAGAZINE. It’s another thing when few people really know what’s going on with this awful disorder because we can’t see it when in reality it’s just a few bits of factual information away. FASD info can hit any fetus like a brick, as you yourself may experience while you read this and past or future blogs.

Yes: I'm talking about FASD now. 

Therefore, concerning alcohol and the drinking mom, the ramifications are real for the baby, and the polliwog, and the fetus.

So before I go on, I am obviously going to insult some moms here and there and that’s unfortunate because I don’t wish to insult anyone. I, the doler of truth, have faced many truths in my lifetime – more than I could ever recall or want to. When there is truth, some people don’t want to hear it. The: “the truth will set us free” phrase, is often the only comfort from an initial pain, an ongoing pain or a well-guarded secret drinking pain? FASD truth let out could change many lives in just one family.

Here, here... I do not believe drinking moms fetuses are monsters as thousands of years of teratology has always suggested. But, I do believe that moms and even their boyfriends or mates are accountable for their drinking decisions to prevent monstrous future difficulties. Now here come two of my biggest concerns and part of my driving force for the fetus against fetal alcohol spectrum disorder.

Listen up...

Here’s the warped logic of a woman, her man and possibly her family. Was it worth it? (...warped bottle...warped drink...warped fetus brain...warped pregnancy...warped childhood...) Was it all worth the drink?

I’ll put the first concern like this. A woman, who has little information regarding pregnancy and her little fetus, (and they are out there), can miss the following logic. One may actually believe that the placenta protecting her tiny one is actually protecting her tiny one. Nothing could be further from the truth. Anything and everything including pee, poo and gas goes right through there, as well, bad things go in there. Most moms know this. Yet, whether the mom knows it or not, how is it still possible that if alcohol can destroy every living organ in the body, can it be safe to assume the baby (fetus) is completely unaffected? That’s my first alarming issue.

Look at the size difference between mom and fetus and imagine how large of a body it would have to be for your whole hand to grab just a finger. Then imagine that you will share an alcoholic drink the size of an olympic swimming pool:

Concern two is a real clincher that one FASD organization in our city of Vancouver has a ridiculous problem with. This popular and very professional aftercare group refuses to work with any organization called Fetuses Against FASD. That's us!

By now there should be no debate on what a fetus is. Yet why does everyone become desensitized when they hear it. I say, "it is what it is." Here now I'll show you a more mature fetus?


Once again, a fetus is an unborn baby. It is not a bad word and in fact it is the appropriate name whether you are a doctor or not. If you didn’t have a fetus, you definitely would not have a baby. If you had a flower seed in your hand would it be a seed or a flower? Same idea.

Having said that we all know that all proud parents-to-be calls it their baby anyway and that is absolutely 100% perfectly fine. Now comes warped logic:

If your mind is set to follow the logic that it (the fetus) really is a baby, (since that’s what you both feel), why then is there a beer in mom's hand?

And this...

This doesn’t make sense because to follow up with the same logic, it would then also be OK for the “newborn” to have a beer too. But who does that? Do mom’s put liquor in baby bottles? Do they let them sip from their beer mug? Do they use droppers to force the baby to ingest a shot before bedtime so they fall asleep faster or so mom and dad can have uninterrupted sex?

No. If they did it would be child abuse at its worst.
Baby, Fetus, Polliwog: They are what they are!

Let the fetus do its job of becoming your baby.

No Booze. No Drugs. Being Real.

Comment Below...

29 April 2011

The Baby Must First Defeat the Study

I hope people can see that this is a project and that this project has a no mercy policy on FASD prevention. So I as the author have a duty to inform everyone that I am not without sympathy for any mom (including family) who gives birth to a baby that has any of the FASD syndromes. I can’t imagine the feeling or hurt because I have not gone through that. But I have done sufficient reading.

I know there are FASD studies with alcohol and news items out there that say it’s all right to drink one drink a day or three drinks a week, etc., while pregnant. They differ depending on from whose source you’re reading or listening. All FASD science, after all, comes from people who are in the know about alcohol complications with fetuses yet some study will undoubtedly surface, like it always does that will say that a drink here or there is safe.

Do they also tell you that a few drinks at or around the 23rd day of pregnancy is the developmental timing for facial features whereby the child could grow up with widely spaced eyes, no philtrum, a thin upper lip or an odd head shape, and worse?

Yet, whatever that study tells you, throw the damn thing away. Claims about drinking when pregnant can only come from unreliable, underfunded cheap scientific study. Are these sources credible or safe enough for your child? Will you have 3 drinks a week if the study says, “OK,” to it. The source I use comes from health Canada that says NO DRINKS are safe during pregnancy. One might say that Health Canada is taking the “safe” stance by making this assertion. Being on board with Health Canada is a really great plan...

…especially when we think about the baby. We all know the baby lives in a sac that allows liquor to pass through the placental barrier at every drink. The baby gets drunker than you and passes out long before you do on a night out drinking. Even while only sipping on a drink, you’re still putting your baby into a sleep and then on to a comatose sort of sleep that can last for days if you don’t stop that night (or week). You’re just asking for trouble. Do you know who is not asking for trouble?

This simply cannot happen to your little one. I also want to stress too that the brain is one of the first organs to begin development and the last to end development until just before birth. The 23rd day is not just one concerning time. At the wrong time, drinks can leave the new born with big bad problems that can literally have the parents cornered. There is no great solution for the FASD child. Better to know now. The baby must win first. When it speaks, listen carefully.

So one last time: Which baby is yours?


We thought so!

Let the fetus do its job of becoming your baby.

No Booze. No Drugs. Being Real.

Comment Below...

25 April 2011

Alcoholics Recalibration Continues

On my 9th Blog, a follower asked: What other "Speak for Me" method will you use to help others if they withdraw from the AA club?”

Great question!

Probably half of Canada would like to know the answer although I’d bet that if they were to guess, they would come up with the most obvious one anyway – quitting alone.

I’ll first recap “AA” from various sources:

According to Alternatives for Alcoholism (http://www.alternatives-for-alcoholism.com/alcoholics-anonymous.html), of whom I can attest to experientially:

“Putting all statistics aside, one only needs to ask around any Alcoholics Anonymous meeting to clearly see what the statistics are. At any given meeting at any given time most people that are present are newcomers. Membership usually consists of people who have only a day sober or a few days or weeks. There are a few people who have 90 days or 120 and maybe 1 or 2 people with 6 months or one year. Depending on the size of the meeting, there may be one, or if you're really lucky two old timers, someone with more than 5 years. Old timers are far and few between.

‘Most alcoholics do not recover from their disease, they die. Those who do recover using a 12 step program fight constant cravings to drink and suffer with a variety of other symptoms like irritability, anxiety, tension, fatigue and depression that has a deep impact on the quality of their life and forces them to be dependent upon attending Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meetings the rest of their life.”

I’ll also add to this. Most people who “slip” in AA make it worth their while. I have read from various sources that an AA slip is never just one drink. (No surprise.) In fact, it is a binge. Not only that, AA binges are reportedly far worse (heavier, longer) than non-AA binges. It’s because a non-AA binger doesn’t throw himself or herself into an AA meeting once the binge is over; desperation absent; no fear factor. The reality being that once the AA binge drinker goes back to a meeting and had better “have first gotten the good drunk right,” would still knowingly be faced with expectations from Mother Group. Two of which are of a better recovery effort and a better working of the steps, that is, if they want to set themselves right. People go back and end up crying over it showing the expected humiliation that AA goers are “encouraged to practice.”

I will also interject, with relevance, that in my experience 25-30 years ago, regulars in groups who seemed to stand as pillars of strength to other group members as having the success that is every AA goers dream of, would suddenly not show up to meetings for a month or so. I’ve heard them come back with such excuses as, “I decided to take some time away,” “I went on a vacation,” “I tried another group,” etc., the latter of which makes no sense whatsoever because if they were in a group that worked, they would not need to stray.

When I look back, it’s hilarious to me what I was sucked into believing.

A book by K. J. Wilson, Ed.D. (Brief quotations for broadcast may be used - Copyright 2006, 1997) reveals a serious problem pregnant women face.

“Drug-addicted pregnant women have the additional problem of finding a treatment program that will accept them. There is a tremendous fear among service providers concerning liability issues associated with treating addicted women who are pregnant. In New York City, [place of AA headquarters], of seventy-eight drug-treatment programs surveyed, 54% refused to admit pregnant addicts, and 87% refused to take pregnant, crack-addicted women on Medicaid.”

Fetuses Against FASD, that’s us, or we, will not refuse them. We have open unprejudicial arms. My immediate thought is that besides prejudice, there is a stigmatism or embarrassment to the group or institution itself that compel refusals. It’s sad to FAFASD that anyone could refuse treatment care sought by anyone regardless of any condition except, say, serious mental problems that prevent them from helping themselves. Yet, still we would consider giving them a shot at it. FAFASD is fair and new. Please, get used to it. We’ll expediently have our own successes. It’s inevitable. The baby will win if anyone comes to us in good faith (Christian, Buddhist, atheist, etc).

In California there are at least 50 different groups one can go to for recovery. Some could be quack medicine, like AA, and yet others could have a high success rate. Just remember this AA truth:

1 Early Stage

2 Middle Stage

3 Late Stage

4 Treating Alcoholism

5 Relapse to Drinking

Rational Recovery is the answer as I’ve explained in my Blogs, “Quotes to Live By,” and “Recovery is Not and Event - It’s a Process.” The point is that we believe if you take responsibility for your drinking, rather than passing it off as a disease that you will never overcome, you will have a greater chance of success – a 600% better chance than deceptions that prevent recovery in the AA quandery.

The major point remains: Who will win?

At @fetuswinning (my blog), I relate what I know or what supports the unborn baby. We speak to the moms-to-be and care about their recovery or their occasional binge problem. We always remember that any drink on the wrong day could damage the fetus’ brain. So it is massively important that we also direct them to an agenda that gives real recovery. One that is undeniably truthful and well understood. That way, when the fetus says, “Speak for Me,” she can.

We have a number of “Speak For Me” ideas and solution-oriented plans to enforce the idea that any woman and her man can quit drinking for 9 months. We give real training using Rational Recovery methods, discussions on pregnancies and a great deal of moral support using what we have available in councelling, prevention methods, and arms that will open up to anyone who walks through our door.

Hope this answers your question! Remember, we are very young. We are in the midst of recalibrating the way people view FASD. Then our "Speak for Me" methods will be structured accordingly.

Let the fetus do its job of becoming your baby.

No Booze. No Drugs. Being Real.

Comment Below

19 April 2011

New York Times on AA and Prisoner's Participation Rights

New York Times June 12, 1996

N.Y Court Lets Inmate Refuse An Alcoholic Program

By James Barron

Ruling that Alcoholics Anonymous “engages in religious activity and religious proselytization,” New York states highest court declared Tuesday that state prison officials were wrong to penalize an inmate who stopped attending the organizations self-help meetings because he said he was an atheist or an agnostic.

The court ordered prison officials not to tie the man’s eligibility for a family reunion program to his refusal to take part in the Alcoholics Anonymous sessions at Shawangunk state prison in Ulster County.

Alcohol and drug treatment programs are fixtures in the states 69 prisons: 15,000 inmates, or two in nine, go through substance-abuse rehabilitation every year.

About a third of the participants had been sent to prison for drug convictions., but another 40 percent have other drug-related problems: they committed a burglary so they could fence the goods they stole for cash for drugs, for example. Or they failed the drug test inmates are given when they arrive.

But the high court, in a 5-2 ruling, said that state prison officials violated the constitutional rights of the inmate who brought the case. David Griffin, a former heroin addict who complained that he found the  Alcoholics Anonymous meetings objectionable because of agnostic or atheistic views he has held since the 1950’s.

An atheist denies the existence of God; an agnostic holds that the human mind cannot know whether there is a God. The court said Griffin had presented evidence that he had held both views he has held both views at certain times.

“A fair reading of the fundamental AA doctrinal writings discloses that there dominant theme is unequivocally religious,” the court said. Adherence to the AA fellowship entails engagement in religious activity and religious proselytization.”

The Pataki administration, which has lashed out at judges whom it considers soft on crime, immediately attacked the court of appeals. The ruling defies common sense,” state Attorney General Dennis Vacco said. “This ruling erodes the authority of correction officials to set certain requirements in order for inmates to enjoy their prison perks – in this case, conjugal visits by a convicted pimp with a history of drug abuse.”

Vacco said he was considering whether to appeal the U.S. Supreme Court.

Alcoholics Anonymous would not say whether it saw itself as a religious organization. A spokeswoman for the group in Manhatten, who insisted that her name not be printed because she is also an AA member, said the group “has always refrained from commenting on out side issues.”

“We do not want to take any stand that might deny an alcoholic AA as a resource,” she said. “We’re non-professionals who meet together to share our personal experience, strength and hope.

Other groups who seek to help people with alcohol and drug problems took issue with the ruling.

“I think it’s a classic case of throwing the baby out with the bath water,” said Abukarriem Shabazz, the president of the New York Association of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Treatment Providers, which represents 130 member organizations and 20 coalitions.

“The bad situation was not the AA; that’s the baby,” he said. “The bath water was the punitiveness because the person did not participate. Change that. But you put people’s sobriety and recovery at risk if you remove a significant, important support mechanism.”

But Norman Siegal, the executive director of the New York Civil Liberties Union, called the decision constitutionally correct.

“It’s important the court is recognizing the fundamental principal that government can’t force people to participate in religious activities that violate their own tenets,” he said. “Also, there’s a sense more and more that whoever goes to jail forfeits all constitutional rights." The court is saying you don’t.

The program Griffin dropped out of was run by councillors who are full-time state employees, not, for example, volunteers from Alcoholics Anonymous, whose programs are often based at local churches.

But he stated that at a hearing with officials at Shawangunk, “both staff and inmate representatives acknowledged that the ASAT program at the facility was a religious program.

Noting that God is mentioned in 5 of the 12-steps that are the cornerstone of the Alcoholics Anonymous program, The Court of Appeals said the Appellate Division had wrongly applied” too narrow a concept of religion or religious activity.” The high court said that Alcoholics Anonymous meetings were, “heavily laced with at least general religious content.”

But the majority, in a decision written by judge Howard Levine, said that it did not mean to denigrate the Alcoholics Anonymous approach to fighting addiction. Nor, the decision said, should the prison system scrap drug-and-alcohol abuse treatment programs if they are offered voluntarily.

Judges Joseph. W. Bellacosa and Carmen B. Ciparick dissented from the ruling.

Richard Kohler, a former New York city corrections commissioner who is now a professor at the John J. College of Criminal Justice, agreed that the case turned on First Amendment issues.

He said that other courts had concluded that corrections officials had to raise legitimate concerns if they infringed inmates’ constitutional rights – for example, citing security concerns as a reason for refusing to let inmates gather for prayer services Friday, when they are scheduled foe a work detail.

“It’s very difficult for the state to show there is a legitimate state interest in forcing someone into rehab program when there’s no evidence it works in the first place,” he said.

Let the fetus do its job of becoming your baby.

No Booze. No Drugs. Being Real.
Comment Below

16 April 2011

12 AA Secrets They Don't Want You To Know Pt. 2

A little more lengthy than "Part 1," this post ends with the bibliography of parts 1 and 2.

Secret 6

There is nothing moral or spiritual about trying to shove the funny Buchmanite religious beliefs of Bill Wilson on everyone else.

It is not moral or spiritual to tell people that:

"It isn't a religion, it's spiritual."
            It's a religion.

"It isn't a religion, it's just an easy-going, spiritually-oriented quit-drinking program."
            It's a religion.

"You should not reveal the religious nature of the program to new prospects; 'We might arouse their prejudices'."

That's called "deceptive recruiting". It's also called "lying". There is nothing moral or spiritual about it.

Don't tell the newcomers too much stuff too fast. Don't emphasize the religious feature. Dole out the truth to prospective recruits and newcomers 'by teaspoons, rather than by buckets.'"

That's called "deceptive recruiting". It's also called "lying". There is nothing moral or spiritual about it.

It is not moral or spiritual to keep making up screwy "spiritual diseases" like compulsive shopping or being a diabetic, or being an abused child of an alcoholic, or being a victim of incest, and then declaring that only a life spent doing the Twelve Steps will save the sufferer from a life of sin.

It is not moral or spiritual to mislead people and make them think they are getting great therapy and great treatment for what ails them, when all they are getting is quack medicine. It keeps the people from seeking some other medical treatment that could really help them.

Likewise, it is not moral or spiritual to tell sick people who are having troubles that their problems are of their own making, and that all that they need to do is Work The Steps and Work A Strong Program harder, rather than seek help from a doctor or psychiatrist.

And it is not moral or spiritual to tell sick people that the answer to all such problems is "Work The Twelve Steps, Get A Sponsor, And Read The Big Book".

It is not moral or spiritual to shove an ineffective "spiritual" treatment program on people who are seeking medical treatment for a deadly illness.

In fact, it is hard to understand how people who are otherwise pretty okay, nice, honest people can actually do it. They rationalize their actions by saying that the A.A. program saves lives, but they cannot help but see the huge failure rate of A.A. if they have been around A.A. for very long. So that rationalization doesn't really wash. They are in denial about what A.A. really is, and they are in denial about the immense A.A. failure rate, and they are in denial about what they are really doing.

It is not moral or spiritual to use judges and parole officers — the criminal justice system — to coerce people into the Alcoholics Anonymous organization. But they do it all of the time.

Foisting quack medicine on critically-ill people is criminal fraud and manslaughter.

Secret 7

The A.A. formula for "spirituality" is broken, and doesn't work.
Doing the Twelve Steps and forcing people to wallow in guilt and shame for years does not:
enlighten them,
or make them spiritual,
or "liberate them from ego",
or release them from "the bondage of self".
or fill them with "Serenity and Gratitude".

You cannot get rid of your ego, or the "bondage of self", just by saying or praying that you wish to be rid of your ego. You might as well pray for your left foot to disappear.

"Stuffing your feelings" for years leads to neurosis and mental illness, not spirituality. Real live feeling human beings cannot feel only "Serenity and Gratitude" for years and years... When members then condemn themselves and feel guilty and inadequate for not having the proper "Serene and Grateful" attitude, it just makes matters worse. Then they can feel guilty about feeling guilty.

Secret 8

People are not "powerless" over their desires to drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes, take drugs, or eat too much. Being sick, and having a messed-up life from too much drinking, is just that — being sick. It isn't "powerlessness." Having difficulties quitting is not "powerlessness", it's having difficulties quitting. Saying that your drinking has really gotten out of control doesn't mean that you are powerless over it.

The "powerless" doctrine of Alcoholics Anonymous is one of their most central religious beliefs. It is one of those points where A.A. radically departs from Christianity or any other mainstream religion of the world, and enters the realm of bizarre cult religion. Christianity teaches people to be responsible for their actions. So do all of the other major religions of the world.

A.A., on the other hand, teaches that people are incapable of running their own lives and must surrender control of their lives to the A.A. group [cult] and a "Higher Power" who will control them, and do the quitting for them. Thus A.A. is teaching the doctrine that is common to so many cults — that you cannot make it without the cult. Bill Wilson wrote:

"Remember that we deal with alcohol — cunning, baffling, powerful! Without help it is too much for us. But there is One who has all power — that One is God. May you find Him now!" (The Big Book, 3rd Edition, William Wilson, pages 58-59.)

Thus the real purpose of Step One is to prepare the new members for Steps Two and Three, where they will confess that they are insane, and then surrender their wills and lives to "God as they understand Him" and Alcoholics Anonymous. That is the standard cult demand that members surrender to the cult, pure and simple.

Bill Wilson declared that he was "powerless" over every urge or craving he ever had, no matter whether it was a thirst for alcohol, cravings for cigarettes, greed for money, or the urge to cheat on his wife Lois by having sex with all of the pretty young women who came to the A.A. meetings. That's one of the more novel and creative excuses for cheating on your wife, but it doesn't wash.

Secret 9

A.A. flat-out lies when it says it is a program of rigorous honesty; it is just the opposite — a program of rigorous dishonesty:

A.A. begins every meeting by reciting a list of Bill Wilson's lies that declare that the Twelve Steps work great, and that failures only happen because alcoholics are bad people, "constitutionally incapable of being honest with themselves" (Big Book, page 58):

"RARELY HAVE we seen a person fail who has thoroughly followed our path."
The truth is, they see it all of the time. It is actually Alcoholics Anonymous that is "constitutionally incapable of being honest."

"Fake It Until You Make It."
"Act As If..."

When A.A. says "Keep An Open Mind," what they really mean is "Keep A Closed Mind", and blindly refuse to see anything wrong with "The Program", A.A. beliefs, or the crazy teachings of Bill Wilson.

The only idea that they really want you to be open to is the idea that A.A. is right about everything — the idea that the "spiritual" A.A. program with its Twelve Steps is a really good cure for alcoholism, one that actually works.

A.A. practices deceptive recruiting. It hides its extreme religiosity from new prospects, the "babies" and "pigeons". The Big Book recruiting manual, chapter seven, specifically instructs recruiters not to emphasize the religious element of the program. Bill Wilson's other writings tell recruiters to reveal the truth to the prospects and newcomers only a little bit at a time, doling out the truth by "Teaspoons, Not Buckets."

A.A. falsifies its history. A.A. has been doing that since the very beginning, when Bill Wilson hid the Oxford Group roots of A.A.

Like most cult religions, A.A. practices "Group-Think", and forbids any criticism of "the program." That is just the opposite of rigorous honesty. Like most cults, A.A. believes that it has unquestionable truths, even God-given truths, so it considers any criticism of its founders, their teachings, or the organization to be invalid — automatically invalid and untrue, because their truths are God-given.

Thus, A.A. calls its critics "AA-bashers" (ad hominem), and imagines that everything "AA-bashers" say is always wrong, and can be dismissed out-of-hand, because they are just AA-bashers. By this circular logic, A.A. can never be wrong, and criticism of A.A. can never be correct. And the true believers can avoid having to think, or take any criticism of A.A. seriously.

A.A. also enforces the Group-Think in another way: they will delist any group whose meetings do not conform to the standard formula to the satisfaction of the central-office elders. That means that the non-conforming group gets no referrals from the central office hot-line, and it isn't listed on the lists of meetings, and it doesn't get found by visitors or prospective new members, and it is just generally shunned. The group just gets cast into limbo. That threat is generally enough to enforce conformity.

I shouldn't have to be writing all of this stuff, these "Orange Papers". If A.A. were really "a manner of living which demands rigorous honesty" like they brag (in the Big Book, page 58), then they would have written and printed all of this information themselves, many, many years ago, just so that everyone would know what the real truth is. Instead, the A.A. headquarters keeps the archives of old documents and records sealed, locked up, so that no investigative journalists or snoopy scholars can learn the truth. They wouldn't even let the NBC News or ABC News teams take a look in the archives.

And now Susan Cheever, who was allowed into the archives so she could write a fawning uncritical hero-worshipping biography of A.A. founder Bill Wilson, reports that the A.A. headquarters is "excising" from the official Alcoholics Anonymous archives all of the embarrassing information about Bill Wilson's sexual exploitation of women newcomers to Alcoholics Anonymous. That sure as heck isn't "rigorous honesty".

“I’m not the only one who has noticed this contradiction.” Heavy Drinking, Herbert Fingarette, page 74.

Secret 10

Alcoholics Anonymous founder William Griffith Wilson was insane, really insane, clinically diagnosable, as well as being grossly, feloniously, dishonest, coldly exploitive of others, and a grandiose, habitual liar. He was not a wise counselor who helped other alcoholics, not at all.

Bill Wilson suffered from 297.10 Delusional (Paranoid) Disorder, Grandiose Type and 301.81 Narcissistic Personality Disorder, as defined by the American Psychiatric Association in their book The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, third and fourth editions, DSM-III-R and DSM-IV.

The bombastic, grandiose, and completely delusional things that Bill Wilson wrote in the Big Book "Alcoholics Anonymous" and in Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions leave little doubt about that.

Bill's behavior, both before and after sobriety, leaves even less doubt.

And A.A. cofounder Dr. Robert Smith — "Doctor Bob" — was also a mental disaster. He was a cruel petty tyrant who abused his children and who tried to drink himself to death for most of his adult life. He even operated on patients while under the influence of alcohol and other drugs. The word in Akron, Ohio, was "When you let the proctologist Dr. Robert Smith operate on you, you're really betting your ass."

See the Cult Test item, Disturbed Guru, Mentally Ill Leader for the details of these two tragic wrecks.

Secret 11

The A.A. stereotype of alcoholics is untrue.

A.A. creates a completely untrue negative stereotype of alcoholics, and then says that the Twelve Steps are the magic that will fix that standardized bad guy:

Alcoholics especially should be able to see that instinct run wild in themselves is the underlying cause of their destructive drinking. ... This perverse soul-sickness is not pleasant to look upon.

Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, William Wilson, page 44.

Since most of us are born with an abundance of natural desires, it isn't strange that we often let these far exceed their intended purpose.

(Whose intended purpose? God's? Mother Nature's? The Force of Evolution's?)

What happened to "A.A. requires no beliefs?"

When they drive us blindly, or we willfully demand that they supply us with more satisfactions or pleasures than are possible or due us, that is the point at which we depart from the degree of perfection that God wishes for us here on earth. That is the measure of our character defects, or, if you wish, of our sins.

Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, William Wilson, page 65.
"Instinct run wild? Natural desires exceeding their intended purpose? Pleasures due us?"

Pleasures due us from whom? And due us, according to whose ledger book? God's?

Also notice how Bill Wilson just redefined "character defects" to mean the same thing as "sins":

That is the measure of our character defects, or, if you wish, of our sins.

That noticeably changes the meaning of Step Six --

6. Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character

— by adding a burden of guilt to the Step, making it into a begging session where we beg God to remove sins. Bill Wilson gradually morphed alcoholism from a disease to be cured, into a sin that must be removed by God. That is another Bait-and-Switch trick.

Since defective relations with other human beings have nearly always been the immediate cause of our woes, including our alcoholism, no field of investigation could yield more satisfying and valuable rewards than this one.

Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, William Wilson, page 81.

So now alcoholism is caused by "defective relations"? Earlier, Bill Wilson declared that our self-destructive drinking was caused by our sins, moral shortcomings, defects of character, resentments, instincts run wild, instinct gone astray, self-will run riot, self-seeking, selfishness, desires that far exceed their intended purpose, and failure to practice religious precepts properly. What will it be next?

People do not drink too much because they have big puffed-up strutting-peacock egos, or because they think they are the center of the Universe, or because they think they are too big and too good to need God, like Bill Wilson said.

And people do not drink too much because they are examples of instincts run wild, or self-will run riot, or because they are sinners with moral shortcomings and character defects, like Bill Wilson said.

People usually drink too much because they feel bad and are trying to feel good. They are often miserable, and just trying to "have fun."

Just because alcoholics and drug addicts have brains that are deficient in L-dopamine or beta endorphins doesn't mean that they are all selfish, immoral, and unspiritual, like Bill Wilson said.

Forty percent of all alcoholics and drug addicts were abused children who are now just trying to cope with their mangled emotional lives, damaged personalities, and shriveled cerebellar vermises. In addition, many more alcoholics and drug addicts suffer from emotional or mental illnesses that they are trying to fix by self-medicating. And there are even more people who are sick and in pain from physical illnesses, and they are just trying to kill their pain with drugs and alcohol. And last but not least, there are alcoholics who smoke and drink to kill the pain of being very sick from having drunk too much alcohol and smoked too many cigarettes for far too long.

The numbers look like this:

Forty percent of all alcoholics and junkies were abused children. Sometimes the parents were alcoholics, sometimes dopers, sometimes just insane. Sometimes insane vicious religious nuts, or insane cruel alcoholic military sergeant fathers. Sometimes insane first, and then they used alcohol or dope to kill the pain of their insanity. Often, those abusive parents had been abused children themselves, and they were just passing it on. For whatever reason, they then abused their children, physically, or mentally, or both, and the children responded by using alcohol or dope to kill their own pain.

And, in addition, at least half of the people in prison for violent crimes were also abused children. Perhaps it's much worse than that — according to one survey, 85% of all violent prison inmates were abused in childhood.
Two-thirds of all teenage mothers were raped or sexually abused as children or teenagers.

Rape victims are ten times more likely than other women to use drugs and alcohol to excess. In the U.S., at least one in ten women have been raped, almost two-thirds before the age of eighteen. A recent survey reports that one-sixth of all rape victims reported to police are under the age of 12. (And this is the category of rape least likely to be reported.) One-fifth of these girls were raped by their fathers. They have been betrayed.

Trying to make those people quit drinking or drugging by crushing their egos and making them feel guilty doesn't work, and usually does more harm than good. (They will just get stoned again, trying to obliterate the feelings of guilt and get back to feeling good. It is neither an accident nor a coincidence that involvement with Alcoholics Anonymous was seen to increase, not reduce, binge drinking.)

Secret 12

There is no simple one-size-fits-all cure for alcoholism.

There is no panacea. There is no magic bullet. Mere sobriety will not solve all of your problems and give you boundless happiness. It will solve one huge problem, but you will still have lots of other smaller problems, because real life isn't so simple or so easy.

Ebby Thacher caught Bill Wilson at a weak, vulnerable moment in the hospital, while Bill was detoxing and totally out of his head from alcohol withdrawal and hallucinogenic drugs, and convinced Bill that Frank Buchman's Oxford Group cult had a simple program that would be the answer to all of his problems.
My friend promised when these things were done I would enter upon a new relationship with my Creator; that I would have the elements of a way of living which answered all my problems.

The Big Book, 3rd edition, William Wilson, Chapter 1, Bill's Story, page 13.

It's me now:

So there you have it. AA does more harm than good, treating people with guilt that only God can fix and that once you attend AA and adhere to its promises, all of your lifes problems will disappear. Incidentally, Bill Wilson was friends with Rockerfeller who funded Bill graciously. And Bill experienced his "spiritual awakening" in a hospital room after ingesting too much belladonna (deadly nightshade), a hallucinegenic drug. Bill beat his wife and covered his windows so he would not be tempted to jump out of one of the windows ending his life. Outside the house, he was a God to his "patients." Where is the morality that this leader insists comes from AA when he himself was far worse off than 90% of all of AA's members?

Founder and President: Anthony Baker


Let the fetus do its job of becoming your baby.

No Booze. No Drugs. Being Real.

Comment Below...

Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions
(written by William G. Wilson, published as 'anonymous'.)
Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc. New York, NY, 2000.
ISBN: 0-916856-06-2
Dewey: 362.2928 T969 1965

For the standard party line about everything, see "The Big Book", really:
· Alcoholics Anonymous, Third Edition, 1976.
(written by William G. Wilson, Henry Parkhurst, and 40 or so others; published as 'anonymous.')
Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc. New York, NY, 1976.
ISBN: 0-916856-00-3
Dewey: 362.29 A347 1976
· Alcoholics Anonymous, Fourth Edition, 2001, published as "anonymous", but really written by William G. Wilson, Henry Parkhurst, Joe Walsh, and many other people.
Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc. New York, NY, 2001.
ISBN: 1-893007-16-2
Dewey: 362.29 A347 2001
· Note that the earlier editions of the A.A. book are available for free on the Internet. It seems that somebody was too 'sober' to remember to renew the copyrights...
The Alcoholics Anonymous web site is: www.alcoholics-anonymous.org
Alcoholics Anonymous Comes Of Age published as "anonymous", but really written by William G. Wilson
Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc. (AAWS), New York, 1957, 1986.
Harper, New York, 1957.
ISBN: 0-91-685602-X
LC: HV5278 .A78A4
Dewey: 178.1 A1c
This is Bill Wilson's version of the history of Alcoholics Anonymous. It suspiciously differs
from known history here and there.
'PASS IT ON'; The story of Bill Wilson and how the A.A. message reached the world 'anonymous'
Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc. (AAWS), New York, 1984.
ISBN: 0-916856-12-7
LC: HV5032 .W19P37x 1984
LCCN: 84-072766
Dewey: 362.29/286/O92
This is the official, council-approved version of the history of A.A.. Strangely enough, there is some very interesting stuff in here, including chapter 16, which describes Bill's spook sessions and séances, talking with the spirits of the dead, and communicating with spirits through spirit rapping and the Ouija board. See pages 275 to 285.

Language Of The Heart William G. Wilson
A.A. Grapevine, New York, 1988.
ISBN: 0-933-68516-5
LC: HV5278 .W15 1988
LCCN: 88-71930
This is a collection of Bill's writings, speeches, and letters, assembled after his death.

Bill W. A Biography of Alcoholics Anonymous Cofounder Bill Wilson Francis Hartigan
Thomas Dunne Books, An imprint of St. Martin's Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10010, 2000.
ISBN: 0-312-20056-0
Dewey: B W11h 2000
This biography was written by Lois Wilson's private secretary, Francis Hartigan.

Bill W. Robert Thomsen
Harper & Rowe, New York, 1975.
ISBN: 0-06-014267-7
Dewey call number 362.29 W112t
This is a good biography of William G. Wilson, even if it is very positively slanted towards Mr. Wilson, because the author knew Mr. Wilson and worked beside him for the last 12 years of Mr. Wilson's life. And rumor has it that this book was prepared from autobiographical tapes that Bill Wilson made before he died. So expect it to praise Mr. Wilson a lot. Still, this book will also tell you about some of Bill Wilson's warts, his fat ego, his publicity-hound behavior, and his years-long "dry drunks"...

Bill W. My First 40 Years 'An Autobiography By The Cofounder of Alcoholics Anonymous'
(This is Bill Wilson's alleged 'autobiography', supposedly published anonymously.)
Hazelden, Center City, Minnesota 55012-0176, 2000.
ISBN: 1-56838-373-8
Dewey call number B W11w 2000
This book was reputedly assembled by ghost writers at Hazelden from the same set of autobiographical tapes of Bill Wilson that Robert Thomsen used for his book.

Bill W. and Mr. Wilson — The Legend and Life of A.A.'s Cofounder Matthew J. Raphael
University of Massachusetts Press, Amherst, Mass., 2000.
ISBN: 1-55849-245-3
Dewey: B W11r 2000
This book was written by another stepper — the name 'Matthew Raphael' is a pen name — and it generally praises Bill Wilson and recites the party line about most things, but it also contains a bunch of surprises, like detailing Bill's sexual infidelities, his and Bob's spook sessions — talking to the 'spirits' in séances through the use of Ouija boards, spirit rapping, clairvoyance, and channeling, LSD use, and publicity-hound megalomania.

Not-God: A History of Alcoholics Anonymous Ernest Kurtz
Hazelden Educational Foundation, Center City, MN, 1979.
ISBN: 0-899-486065-8 or ISBN: 0-89486-065-8 (pbk.)
LC: HV5278
LCCN: 79-88264
Dewey: 362.2/9286 or 362.29286 K87 1979
This is a very pro-A.A., toe-the-party-line history of Alcoholics Anonymous, but it is still a valuable resource for a wealth of historical facts and details.

Getting Better Inside Alcoholics Anonymous Nan Robertson
William Morrow and Company, Inc., New York, 1988.
ISBN: 0-688-06869-3
LC: HV5278.R59 1988
LCCN: 87-31153
Dewey: 362.2'9286--dc19 or 362.2928 R651g
Another very standard, sanitized, history of Alcoholics Anonymous.

Heavy Drinking: The Myth of Alcoholism as a Disease Herbert Fingarette
University of California Press, Berkeley, CA, 1988.
ISBN: 0-520-06290-6
LC: HV5292 .F56 1988

Alcoholics Anonymous: Cult or Cure? Charles Bufe, 1998.
See Sharp Press, PO Box 1731, Tucson AZ 85702-1731
ISBN: 1-884365-12-4
Dewey: 362.29286 B929a 1998
(This is the second edition; it has noticeably more information than the first edition. The first edition is: ISBN: 0-9613289-3-2, printed in 1991.)

The Recovery Book Al J. Mooney, M.D., Arlene Eisenberg, Howard Eisenberg
Workman Publishing, New York, 1992.
ISBN: 1-56305-084-6 (pbk.)
LC: HV5275.M56 1992
LCCN: 92-50284
Dewey: 613.81 M00
The book is a veiled AA-pusher. It purports to be a fair, balanced, general-purpose recovery book, but it keeps coming back to saying that A.A., Al-Anon, and the Twelve Steps are the answer.