This man (Thomas Beatie) gave birth to a female baby. He is the first ever legal man to give birth. It began 3 years ago and he was under the microscope by doctors who were trying to understand this phenominon (?) Yes, and then this man went on to have two boys after the first born - girl. And if that isn't lifting eye-brows, than listen to this. The wife was still able to breast feed all 3 babies. On Monday on many channels, Thomas Beatie will relate his story. That's Monday!!! Oct. Monday 31. Look for, "The Doctors" TV show.
Here is "The Doctors" Web page where you can access a short video saying pretty much what I have already shared, but don't forget to check it MONDAY.
I'm Anthony Baker and I'm tired of old fashioned ways of stopping our #1 birth defect, Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. Well I've created "Fetuses Against FASD" and the culmination of my work, "The Safe Pregnancy Vision." Join me in helping when the fetus says, "Speak For Me."
29 October 2011
27 October 2011
What The Hell Is Wrong With The Western World?
After viewing my last blog, particular questions may come to your mind, like: Is the statistic that 35% of our nations FAS children will end up in a federal prison unsubstantiated? Could we compare that to other disabilities? Is it our collective fault?
This won't take long - it's too easy. 1st, I have read from a ton of sources about our FASD children committing atrocious crimes. Remember the holes in the brain? Well, those holes are caused by drinking pregnant women. (Please - I am not slandering but merely telling the truth.) And the other item of absolute non-controversy is: "Irreversible FAS brain damage can cause children and adults to repeatedly "do stupid things..." caused by these holes in places that affect judgement, right and wrong, and compulsion coupled with lack of control.
In fact, an FAS child could potentially do as many bad things from the umbilical alcohol-induced sac of life without drinking later as an adult, as an otherwise uneffected, yet drinking idiot, could do when he or she is wired on Vodka or Rum. Point - the police would be "hand-cuffed" to not say that alcohol produces some of the most vicious attacks on human life than any other drug. It's true. This won't take long - it's too easy. 1st, I have read from a ton of sources about our FASD children committing atrocious crimes. Remember the holes in the brain? Well, those holes are caused by drinking pregnant women. (Please - I am not slandering but merely telling the truth.) And the other item of absolute non-controversy is: "Irreversible FAS brain damage can cause children and adults to repeatedly "do stupid things..." caused by these holes in places that affect judgement, right and wrong, and compulsion coupled with lack of control.
I know this is getting messy. My real point is when you consider that 35% of all FAS children will end up in a federal penitentiary at least once in their life time, and then you subtract all other "barbarians" for the rest of the jail population (and there are many, many, many), you can see how dangerous it is for our country to allow drinking during pregnancy to continue. In other words I say bluntly, "Make a bill, make a law that will stop pregnant women from drinking." If that were to happen, our country could save potentially billions of dollars and many lives as well as the family frustration of having or adopting an FAS child.
Now I revert to MADD. Look at their progress. I believe very strongly that MADD has saved a lot of innocent lives. I mean a lot. In fact the blood level for drinking and driving went down to .05 from .08 in many of our provinces in Canada. If you think for 1 second you would realize that MADD's targeted, and sometimes gruesome ads, have been proven effective. I want the very same, and in this case, besides innocent lives, we're talking about 225-million dollars per child per lifetime.
This much: $225,000,000.00
It's coming out of your pockets. Like I need to tell you that.
So here: Pregnant women + buying alcohol giving our government lots of revenue + having FAS babies + then federal prison (35%) or some kind of terrible, tragic event - adding up to:
$225,000,000.00 - COMING FROM WHERE?
Everyone's pockets.
The government is spending a lot of money on defence, which I agree is necessary to a point. But take away 1-billion dollars and spend it on FASD campaigns as vigorously as MADD and the governments imposed warning labels on cigarettes, have done. This time put ads on bottles of booze. Well we know that that is not going to happen. Gosh, it might mean less revenue for liquor sales. And while we are in the liquor store we might as well take a look around and see "Coolers," ads labelled as "Refreshments" in big neon lettering on the wall above those shelves. On another wall by the wine, neon letters spelling out "A Get Away." The government purposely advertises "well-being" when you walk into their liquor stores.
We can ask, what's wrong?
25 October 2011
FASD Babies Later Cause Tragic Bursts of Rage - Murder
Blog readers. I have had this story for quite some time because this Tucson Arizona Paper...
Citizen Staff Writer
Nov. 13, 2001
The brain of a normal baby (left) and the brain of a baby with fetal alcohol syndrome (right).
...would not let me publish it. About a month ago I revisited the Webpage and it had disappeared. Today I checked and it is simply not found and that gives me the right to now print this gruesome article.
The Face of FAS
(Edward Riley, a San Diego State University scientist, projects what he calls the "Face of FAS," a child with all the facial characteristics of fetal alcohol syndrome, during a seminar on FAS at the Sheraton Four Points Hotel. FRANCISCO MEDINA/Tucson Citizen)
Citizen Staff Writer
Nov. 13, 2001
Edward Riley
He scribbled notes and listened intently, searching for scientific facts that would help him understand why his adopted son killed his beloved wife. Andrew McMullen saw photos of shriveled, underdeveloped brains and heard that the disorder his 15-year-old son, Jonathan, is said to have - fetal alcohol syndrome - can cause tremendous behavioral problems.
"I'm trying to figure out this stuff for myself," McMullen, 55, said at a Tucson conference on fetal alcohol syndrome last week. "We had suspected it (prenatal exposure to alcohol) might be in his background, but we really didn't know."
The McMullens were not prepared for the problems the adopted child would bring into the family. FAS is the leading cause of mental retardation in Western civilization.
McMullen and his wife, Kristina, 56, took Jonathan McMullen and his two brothers, Jack, 12, and Joe, 11, into their home in Elgin as foster children in 1999 after the three were about to be split up. A year later, the McMullens, a devoutly religious family, adopted the boys.
Then on Sept. 7, Jonathan McMullen, who was at his home with a 12-year-old friend, shot his adoptive parents and his brother, Jack. Andrew and Jack McMullen recovered.
The family is supportive of Jonathan McMullen, who is in jail on charges of first-degree murder and attempted murder. "He needs to be protected from himself," said Andrew McMullen, who participated in the conference on FAS, attended by 200 people. "Prison won't help him."
McMullen listened to Edward Riley, a San Diego State University scientist who is investigating how exposure to alcohol in the womb affects behavior throughout a person's lifetime.
Riley shared the latest information on how alcohol can cause holes in a developing brain. It can also result in a significantly smaller brain that is missing critical pieces. He showed the audience numerous brain scans of people exposed to alcohol in the womb, and the deficiencies were tremendous.
But Riley has also devoted much of his research to lesser-known and harder to diagnose disabilities that have been called fetal alcohol effect (FAE) or prenatal exposure to alcohol (PEA). Far greater numbers of people suffer from tremendous behavioral problems but may go undiagnosed because they do not have the telltale "face of FAS" Riley said.
"They may look normal, but they have lots of behavioral problems," Riley said. He said the cerebellum, which affects balance and the ability to pay attention, can be severely damaged by prenatal alcohol exposure. The permanent, irreversible brain damage can cause children and adults to repeatedly "do stupid things," he said.
In past years, people attributed behavior problems in children to their environment. "Lots of people were saying, 'The kid's doing that because he's been in six different foster homes,' but the problem lies in the changes in the brain, and not from living in five foster homes or being abused. It happened at eight weeks (in pregnancy)."
Children exposed to alcohol in the womb are likely to end up with mental health problems, in jail or another institution, fail at school and on the job and be unable to care for themselves, according to several studies.
No known level of drinking in pregnancy is safe, and women should abstain, Riley repeatedly warned.
Teresa Kellerman, who adopted her son John at birth, spoke personally of the devastation drinking during pregnancy can bring.
"Kids with FAS are not capable of being left on their own," Kellerman said. "They can't make good choices alone." The Kellermans were featured in an award-winning, six-day series called "Born on the Bottle: Drunk for Life," which ran in the Tucson Citizen in 1997.
Kellerman also reminded the audience that while the brain damage is permanent and devastating, the spirit that lives in those with FAS must be appreciated. "The precious spirit inside these kids is whole and healthy, and I celebrate that," Kellerman said.
(NEXT BLOG - Where does alcohol affects the brain?)
McMullen was later part of a panel discussion that included parents and professionals who work with people with FAS and other related disorders.
Riley shared the latest information on how alcohol can cause holes in a developing brain. It can also result in a significantly smaller brain that is missing critical pieces. He showed the audience numerous brain scans of people exposed to alcohol in the womb, and the deficiencies were tremendous.
Far greater numbers of people suffer from tremendous behavioral problems but may go undiagnosed because they do not have the telltale "face of FAS" Riley said. "They may look normal, but they have lots of behavioral problems," Riley said. He said the cerebellum, which affects balance and the ability to pay attention, can be severely damaged by prenatal alcohol exposure.
The permanent, irreversible brain damage can cause children and adults to repeatedly "do stupid things," he said.
It goes to show once again how there is no safe day to drink. Once again, this tragedy happened because the birth mother drank during her eighth week of pregnancy.
23 October 2011
If It Helps One Baby, Puke On My Shoes
Forced news before tomorrow's blog:
Two different people kind of slammed me for my facebook posts. One person asked me to "stop poluting my wall." But I didn't recognize this man. It must have been an accidental posting because he's not on my list. Another complaint was similar in nature.
I truly feel bad about this. I realize I only have a couple genuine friends on facebook, but holy rumoli, if I don't shake people up with the news of suffering fetuses, than who will? Call me the villain. Call me the witch. I really don't care because maybe to some I am the bad guy when all I am doing is thinking about the fetus. I'm giving education, sometimes pictures, true facts and unbridled honesty in the face of a terrible Canadian problem. Why would I be like this? Read on.
First, if you want to slam me, I can only assume I've hit a note. I am certainly not speaking to good, clean parents but it is inescapably possible that occasionally a blog reader may know the trouble of a particular FASD child and don't need my blogs' advice. And then it is also possible that people are afraid of an FASD outcome in their own real pregnancy - a baby not far off (Did I drink too much?). Finally, it's entirely possible that the readers who are slamming me, (only 2 so far out of 100+), have a direct link to a real FAS case and it's truly difficult to have to read my warnings and truths after what they've already witnessed in an FASD child's life. Can't say I blame them but...
...what else can I do? I am reaching out to the people who don't know. But mostly and foremostly, I am reaching out to the government to keep this sometimes ugly, (not forgetting the precious), information in their heads and hopefully, one day, one bright sun-shiny day for the fetus, some real talk in the House of Commons will come about. Canada is a leader in many areas. Best multi-cultural country, two best cities for architecture, Vancouver - best city in the world to live. There's more. But it depends who's doing the counting, doesn't it?
Well count me in for FASD. If you wish, blame me 'till hell freezes over. I don't know why you would do that but I'm not stopping. I'm speaking for the fetus. I'm speaking on the issue and like a true fighter and comrad, I am also speaking on behalf of my own drinking legacy. Go ahead and knock me down for having ARND. My family sure did.
My whole family hurt me. I was different from the beginning. I was a "bad kid" apparently. (Now my family are dead except for my sister who received all the money, the land, the house, leaving me with nothing.) Because I was different.
It was really cool how, after stripping me of my first parents, the government sloughed me into an abusive home where my mother soaped and peppered my mouth regularly, pulled me around by my curly hair regularly, sent me to bed without supper until school the next morning, somewhat regularly, threatened to send me back to the adoption place many times (pretty darn scary for a small kid), kicked, slapped and degraded me, before finally turning me into a self cutter. Now that's some pretty serious sh--.
The only thing I didn't get from my mom, and dad, for that matter, were the words, "I love you." My dad, however, one evening admitted, after I flunked most of grade 9, "I wish I could have loved you more." I was 13 years old. Mom would never have had the guts to say something like that.
And then when I receive a couple of complaints about a picture of truth - the face of FASD - I say, "Well, tisk, tisk." Guess it's too much for some, I know, but is it too much for the word to be spread out? THINK, you slammers. Have some couth. There is no polution coming from me. Unfriend me if you want. Ignore the problem. One of your family could have symptoms and you don't even know it. Wouldn't it be better to be educated? ARND (Alcohol Related Neurodevelopmental Disoreder) is the most invisible and also the most common. Doctors and therapists are needed to confirm its existence. It is often confused with other disorders that seem to mimick it. But believe me, it is different, and if caught early, there are ways to help.
I try to imagine if I had recieved something on my wall, like say, breast cancer info, photos, or whatever, day after day. I would never call that polution. If I didn't want it I would discretely say so. But I don't mind Breast Cancer posts or any other major problem group looking to educate and get people to be pro-active. It is something that must continue to be put in front of faces lest they forget. So how far out in left field am I? What am I really doing wrong? Greenpeace is everywhere. I want to be everywhere (in my own style of course).
In a survey I did in 2009, about 90% didn't know what FASD was. This is the year 2011 and I'm a bit scared. I'm on disability. I'm really not that far from living in the street, losing my computer, my only life with my cats and FASD prevention. My life is FASD PREVENTION. So take the issue, not me. It's not about me. You can use my advice as gathered from years of reading and experience and then kick me in the shins. Puke on my shoes if it helps! Step on my blue suede shoes and throw me off a building if it makes you feel better. Say what you want; do what you want, and I'll still continue. Nobody in the world can stop me. Not the police, not the government.
Now that I've said what I always want to say with my infliction, as above, at least listen and try to understand. We need policies and control from the men and women who can make change for our youngsters. It begins when the first pregnancy test reads positive and it ends when congress tables the FASD problem for our great country. Let's turn that around. Start tabling today and less women will discover pregnancy before three months of drinking with her beer gut husband or her sophisticated baron of finance with plenty of money to sneak in the best of the best of alcohol. Either way, I am positive there will be a talk one day insisting that our country breed only intellectual, fully capable children. Again, I relate to Jack Layton who had a monetary plan for intellectual kids. A kid with FASD has but a tiny share in the "intelligence industry." Could we not try to repair that? I'm trying. I am trying. And here is the "why?"
It's because our number one birth defect in Canada is 100% preventable. It's not like other syndromes. No matter how puzzling the other syndromes may be regarding lineage, incidental cause or otherwise, this one - FASD - is 100% preventable. Do you know how upsetting it is for me to know that so many, many kids will have the same life as I?
In one Scandinavian country, (won't name), it is automatic jail time for merely hitting or slapping a child. I'm not asking for that. But an incredible amount of newborns "literally poop proof" when they are born, that mom was drinking during pregnancy, even as far back as 4 months before birth. A woman cannot hide her habit when pregnant anymore. There are no undetected slaps. Can't hide it.
When the fetus speaks, are you really listening? I sure hope you all are. For the truest of my audiences, the problem pregnant ones, take heed. Take antabuse. Take a giant leap for detox and search for the child you will one day be proud of 9 short, healthy months later. No child should end up like I did. No child. And I am not the worst case scenario.
From experience:
Just call me Anthony (Birthname). Tony is fine.
Call me what you like, but don't really throw me of a building. I'm an innocent victim. There will be thousands of me born this year. Think about that please, and consider what you might do in my position if you could.
Two different people kind of slammed me for my facebook posts. One person asked me to "stop poluting my wall." But I didn't recognize this man. It must have been an accidental posting because he's not on my list. Another complaint was similar in nature.
I truly feel bad about this. I realize I only have a couple genuine friends on facebook, but holy rumoli, if I don't shake people up with the news of suffering fetuses, than who will? Call me the villain. Call me the witch. I really don't care because maybe to some I am the bad guy when all I am doing is thinking about the fetus. I'm giving education, sometimes pictures, true facts and unbridled honesty in the face of a terrible Canadian problem. Why would I be like this? Read on.
First, if you want to slam me, I can only assume I've hit a note. I am certainly not speaking to good, clean parents but it is inescapably possible that occasionally a blog reader may know the trouble of a particular FASD child and don't need my blogs' advice. And then it is also possible that people are afraid of an FASD outcome in their own real pregnancy - a baby not far off (Did I drink too much?). Finally, it's entirely possible that the readers who are slamming me, (only 2 so far out of 100+), have a direct link to a real FAS case and it's truly difficult to have to read my warnings and truths after what they've already witnessed in an FASD child's life. Can't say I blame them but...
...what else can I do? I am reaching out to the people who don't know. But mostly and foremostly, I am reaching out to the government to keep this sometimes ugly, (not forgetting the precious), information in their heads and hopefully, one day, one bright sun-shiny day for the fetus, some real talk in the House of Commons will come about. Canada is a leader in many areas. Best multi-cultural country, two best cities for architecture, Vancouver - best city in the world to live. There's more. But it depends who's doing the counting, doesn't it?
Well count me in for FASD. If you wish, blame me 'till hell freezes over. I don't know why you would do that but I'm not stopping. I'm speaking for the fetus. I'm speaking on the issue and like a true fighter and comrad, I am also speaking on behalf of my own drinking legacy. Go ahead and knock me down for having ARND. My family sure did.
My whole family hurt me. I was different from the beginning. I was a "bad kid" apparently. (Now my family are dead except for my sister who received all the money, the land, the house, leaving me with nothing.) Because I was different.
It was really cool how, after stripping me of my first parents, the government sloughed me into an abusive home where my mother soaped and peppered my mouth regularly, pulled me around by my curly hair regularly, sent me to bed without supper until school the next morning, somewhat regularly, threatened to send me back to the adoption place many times (pretty darn scary for a small kid), kicked, slapped and degraded me, before finally turning me into a self cutter. Now that's some pretty serious sh--.
The only thing I didn't get from my mom, and dad, for that matter, were the words, "I love you." My dad, however, one evening admitted, after I flunked most of grade 9, "I wish I could have loved you more." I was 13 years old. Mom would never have had the guts to say something like that.
And then when I receive a couple of complaints about a picture of truth - the face of FASD - I say, "Well, tisk, tisk." Guess it's too much for some, I know, but is it too much for the word to be spread out? THINK, you slammers. Have some couth. There is no polution coming from me. Unfriend me if you want. Ignore the problem. One of your family could have symptoms and you don't even know it. Wouldn't it be better to be educated? ARND (Alcohol Related Neurodevelopmental Disoreder) is the most invisible and also the most common. Doctors and therapists are needed to confirm its existence. It is often confused with other disorders that seem to mimick it. But believe me, it is different, and if caught early, there are ways to help.
I try to imagine if I had recieved something on my wall, like say, breast cancer info, photos, or whatever, day after day. I would never call that polution. If I didn't want it I would discretely say so. But I don't mind Breast Cancer posts or any other major problem group looking to educate and get people to be pro-active. It is something that must continue to be put in front of faces lest they forget. So how far out in left field am I? What am I really doing wrong? Greenpeace is everywhere. I want to be everywhere (in my own style of course).
In a survey I did in 2009, about 90% didn't know what FASD was. This is the year 2011 and I'm a bit scared. I'm on disability. I'm really not that far from living in the street, losing my computer, my only life with my cats and FASD prevention. My life is FASD PREVENTION. So take the issue, not me. It's not about me. You can use my advice as gathered from years of reading and experience and then kick me in the shins. Puke on my shoes if it helps! Step on my blue suede shoes and throw me off a building if it makes you feel better. Say what you want; do what you want, and I'll still continue. Nobody in the world can stop me. Not the police, not the government.
Now that I've said what I always want to say with my infliction, as above, at least listen and try to understand. We need policies and control from the men and women who can make change for our youngsters. It begins when the first pregnancy test reads positive and it ends when congress tables the FASD problem for our great country. Let's turn that around. Start tabling today and less women will discover pregnancy before three months of drinking with her beer gut husband or her sophisticated baron of finance with plenty of money to sneak in the best of the best of alcohol. Either way, I am positive there will be a talk one day insisting that our country breed only intellectual, fully capable children. Again, I relate to Jack Layton who had a monetary plan for intellectual kids. A kid with FASD has but a tiny share in the "intelligence industry." Could we not try to repair that? I'm trying. I am trying. And here is the "why?"
It's because our number one birth defect in Canada is 100% preventable. It's not like other syndromes. No matter how puzzling the other syndromes may be regarding lineage, incidental cause or otherwise, this one - FASD - is 100% preventable. Do you know how upsetting it is for me to know that so many, many kids will have the same life as I?
In one Scandinavian country, (won't name), it is automatic jail time for merely hitting or slapping a child. I'm not asking for that. But an incredible amount of newborns "literally poop proof" when they are born, that mom was drinking during pregnancy, even as far back as 4 months before birth. A woman cannot hide her habit when pregnant anymore. There are no undetected slaps. Can't hide it.
When the fetus speaks, are you really listening? I sure hope you all are. For the truest of my audiences, the problem pregnant ones, take heed. Take antabuse. Take a giant leap for detox and search for the child you will one day be proud of 9 short, healthy months later. No child should end up like I did. No child. And I am not the worst case scenario.
From experience:
Just call me Anthony (Birthname). Tony is fine.
Call me what you like, but don't really throw me of a building. I'm an innocent victim. There will be thousands of me born this year. Think about that please, and consider what you might do in my position if you could.
19 October 2011
Pre-natal Alcohol Exposure Rates and Results - 6
Total Population in Each Group: 8,668,743 - compare "top" and "bottom" scores.
Binge Drink 5+ Drinks Per Occasion
Under 15 Years Old: 16,747 = 2.8%
40 - 50 Years Old: 96,318 = 32.0%
34.8% = 113,065 binge drinkers out of 8,668,743
Total babies affected: 805
1-4 Drinks Per Occasion
Under 15 years old: 96,318 = 19.5%
40 - 50 years old: 2,524,569 = 56.2%
75.7% = 2,116,938 drinkers out of 8,668,743 pregnancies
Total babies affected: 4,428
OBJECTIVE: To estimate the incidence of FASD.
Females Who Drink
1 To 4 Drinks Per Occasion
1 To 4 Drinks Per Occasion
On the last blog when women were drinking 5+ drinks per occasion, there were some high numbers. That's why this table is amazing. The major changes seen in this blogs' chart shows that in the 4 or less drinks table, 2 age groups skyrocketed: the youngest and the oldest. How much? Look at these numbers.
Binge Drink 5+ Drinks Per Occasion
Under 15 Years Old: 16,747 = 2.8%
40 - 50 Years Old: 96,318 = 32.0%
34.8% = 113,065 binge drinkers out of 8,668,743
Total babies affected: 805
1-4 Drinks Per Occasion
Under 15 years old: 96,318 = 19.5%
40 - 50 years old: 2,524,569 = 56.2%
75.7% = 2,116,938 drinkers out of 8,668,743 pregnancies
Total babies affected: 4,428
That is an overall jump of 110% in the 40-50 age-range people having complete dominance over the youth. This is amazing: just in the, 1-4 drinks age groups alone, (youngest and oldest), we see that there are 4,428 fetuses affected compared to binge drinkers who affect 805 fetuses. Don't think that the binge drinkers are the worst ones. Even 1-4 drinks is highly dangerous to the fetus and will cause brain danage.
It makes sense that teenagers might stop at 4 drinks since their younger, smaller bodies get giddy quicker. Also, peer pressure and ignorance play a huge role.
In the older age category the "alcoholic" ones are completely used to 1-4 drinks and may still not feel that heavenly "glow." The casual drinkers may think they are simply drinking safe quantities. However, for some reason they somehow feel justified to take those drinks.
It is sad that these people are not thinking straight. I've said it in an earlier blog and I'll say it again: "If alcohol can kill every organ in the body, how is it possible that the fetus is completely unaffected." Well, as you know, the fetus is affected and I warn those little drinkers and those experienced drinkers that they are just being dumb. That's right - DUMB! Worse yet, the smallest drinker, the fetus, is innocent and losing brain cells, becoming worse than dumb; marginally brain damaged by the time they are born.
In the older age category the "alcoholic" ones are completely used to 1-4 drinks and may still not feel that heavenly "glow." The casual drinkers may think they are simply drinking safe quantities. However, for some reason they somehow feel justified to take those drinks.
It is sad that these people are not thinking straight. I've said it in an earlier blog and I'll say it again: "If alcohol can kill every organ in the body, how is it possible that the fetus is completely unaffected." Well, as you know, the fetus is affected and I warn those little drinkers and those experienced drinkers that they are just being dumb. That's right - DUMB! Worse yet, the smallest drinker, the fetus, is innocent and losing brain cells, becoming worse than dumb; marginally brain damaged by the time they are born.
Bruce Ritchie, the writer of this report explains:
Table 4 uses calculated results for “# females who drink 1 to 4 drinks per sitting”. It includes the categories “Never 5 or more drinks on one occasion” and “Drinking frequency, not stated” in the original Statistics Canada table population aged 12 and over who are current drinkers.
About 50% of pregnancies are unplanned. Most girls are 2 to 3 months pregnant before they find out. In some cases, it is much longer. The baby may have been swimming in alcohol at many parties before the pregnancy was known. If she stops drinking then, she will often assume no damage has been done, or she may worry throughout the pregnancy about the damage she may have already done. Some will continue to drink throughout the pregnancy.
“In Ontario, 83% of Grade 12 students drink, and 45% have had at least one episode of binge drinking in the previous 4 weeks, according to the 2003 Ontario Student Drug Use Survey. While the percentage of students binge drinking increases with each grade, the biggest single increase – from 8 to 24 percent – occurs between Grades 8 and 9.” A significant number of kids are starting very young.
“A 2003 survey of British Columbia high-school students conducted by the McCreary Centre Society found that 46 percent of males and 43% of females in high school who admitted to drinking had engaged in binge drinking in the previous month.”
“The Canadian Campus Survey in 2000 found that 63% of students reported consuming 5 or more drinks in a single sitting in the previous year.” These results compare to those included in the Centers for Disease Control CDC Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System and the SAMSHA National Household Survey on Drug Abuse (U.S.A. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration -
Meconium is the first bowel movement by a newborn infant.
Available since at least 2001, the meconium based assay incorporates a panel of Fatty Acid Ethyl Esters as bio-markers of maternal alcohol use during the last 20 weeks of pregnancy. Studies with the MecStat-EtOH assay (Avitar Technologies Inc., United States Drug Testing Laboratories) found fetal exposure to alcohol in 15-18% of newborns tested, approximately 4% of the newborns had elevated results.
17 October 2011
Pre-natal Alcohol Exposure Rates and Results - 5
Canada Live Births 352
Comment Below...
OBJECTIVE: To estimate the incidence of FASD.
Relative points to make this easier to grasp:
Compare: Babies exposed to binges are higher than babies not exposed.
Pregnancies from ages 20 to 35 dominate this landscape (Chart)
Females Who Binge Drink
5 Or More Drinks Per Occasion
5 Or More Drinks Per Occasion
Relative points to make this easier to grasp:
Compare: Babies exposed to binges are higher than babies not exposed.
Pregnancies from ages 20 to 35 dominate this landscape (Chart)
2001 Birth Stats:
Under 15 Years Old - Total Female Population 607,434
Canada Live Births 116
Canada Live Births 116
# of Females Who Binge 1-11 Times Per Year 16,747
% of Females Who Binge 1-11 Times Per Year 2.8%
% of Babies Binge Exposure 1-11 Times Per Year 2.8%
# of Babies Binge Exposure 1-11 Times Per Year 3
# of Females Who Binge 12+ Times Per Year 8,197
% of Females Who Binge 12+ Times Per Year 1.3%
% of Babies Not Exposed to 12+ Binges Per Year 1.3%
# of Babies Not Exposed to 12+ Binges Per Year 2
15 - 19 Years Old - Total Female Population 1,013,994
Canada Live Births 16,456
Canada Live Births 16,456
# of Females Who Binge 1-11 Times Per Year 215,186
% of Females Who Binge 1-11 Times Per Year 21.2%
% of Babies Binge Exposure 1-11 Times Per Year 21.2%
# of Babies Binge Exposure 1-11 Times Per Year 3,492
# of Females Who Binge 12+ Times Per Year 157.678
% of Females Who Binge 12+ Times Per Year 15.6%
% of Babies Not Exposed to 12+ Binges Per Year 15.6%
# of Babies Not Exposed to 12+ Binges Per Year 2,559
20 - 24 Years Old - Total Female Population 1,033,611
Canada Live Births 58,186
Canada Live Births 58,186
# of Females Who Binge 1-11 Times Per Year 303,187
% of Females Who Binge 1-11 Times Per Year 29.3%
% of Babies Binge Exposure 1-11 Times Per Year 29.3%
# of Babies Binge Exposure 1-11 Times Per Year 17,086
# of Females Who Binge 12+ Times Per Year 229,616
% of Females Who Binge 12+ Times Per Year 22.2%
% of Babies Not Exposed to 12+ Binges Per Year 22.2%
# of Babies Not Exposed to 12+ Binges Per Year 12,926
25 -29 Years Old - Total Female Population 1,047,450
Canada Live Births 102,453
Canada Live Births 102,453
# of Females Who Binge 1-11 Times Per Year 259,624
% of Females Who Binge 1-11 Times Per Year 24.8%
% of Babies Binge Exposure 1-11 Times Per Year 24.8%
# of Babies Binge Exposure 1-11 Times Per Year 25,394
# of Females Who Binge 12+ Times Per Year 110,684
% of Females Who Binge 12+ Times Per Year 10.6%
% of Babies Not Exposed to 12+ Binges Per Year 10.6%
# of Babies Not Exposed to 12+ Binges Per Year 18,826
30 - 34 Years Old - Total Female Population 1,047,458
Canada Live Births 102,453
Canada Live Births 102,453
# of Females Who Binge 1-11 Times Per Year 279,148
% of Females Who Binge 1-11 Times Per Year 24.8
% of Babies Binge Exposure 1-11 Times Per Year 24.8
# of Babies Binge Exposure 1-11 Times Per Year 25,148
# of Females Who Binge 12+ Times Per Year 119,007
% of Females Who Binge 12+ Times Per Year 10.6%
% of Babies Not Exposed to 12+ Binges Per Year 10.6%
# of Babies Not Exposed to 12+ Binges Per Year 10,721
35 - 39 Years Old - Total Female Population 1,315,449
Canada Live Births 46,704
Canada Live Births 46,704
# of Females Who Binge 1-11 Times Per Year 254,942
% of Females Who Binge 1-11 Times Per Year 19.4%
% of Babies Binge Exposure 1-11 Times Per Year 19.4%
# of Babies Binge Exposure 1-11 Times Per Year 9,052
# of Females Who Binge 12+ Times Per Year 128,846
% of Females Who Binge 12+ Times Per Year 9.8%
% of Babies Not Exposed to 12+ Binges Per Year 9.8%
# of Babies Not Exposed to 12+ Binges Per Year 4,575
45 - 49 Years Old - Total Female Population 1,195,123
40 - 44 Years Old - Total Female Population 1,329,446
Canada Live Births 7,995
Canada Live Births 7,995
# of Females Who Binge 1-11 Times Per Year 257,655
% of Females Who Binge 1-11 Times Per Year 19.4%
% of Babies Binge Exposure 1-11 Times Per Year 19.4%
# of Babies Binge Exposure 1-11 Times Per Year 1,549
# of Females Who Binge 12+ Times Per Year 130,217
% of Females Who Binge 12+ Times Per Year 9.8%
% of Babies Not Exposed to 12+ Binges Per Year 9.8%
# of Babies Not Exposed to 12+ Binges Per Year 78%
Canada Live Births 352
# of Females Who Binge 1-11 Times Per Year 149,976
% of Females Who Binge 1-11 Times Per Year 12.5%
% of Babies Binge Exposure 1-11 Times Per Year 12.5%
# of Babies Binge Exposure 1-11 Times Per Year 44
# of Females Who Binge 12+ Times Per Year 68,818
% of Females Who Binge 12+ Times Per Year 5.8%
% of Babies Not Exposed to 12+ Binges Per Year 5.8%
# of Babies Not Exposed to 12+ Binges Per Year 20
Let the fetus do its job of becoming your baby.
No Booze. No Drugs. Being Real.
Comment Below...
14 October 2011
Prenatal Alcohol Exposure Rates and Results - 4
Canada Live Births 16,456
Canada Live Births 58,186
Canada Live Births 101,460
Canada Live Births 46,704
OBJECTIVE: To estimate the incidence of FASD.
Relative points to make this easier to grasp:
Compare: Exposures (Babies Exposed) rates to drinkers and non-drinkers.
Babies exposed remains consistent through 70 to 85%.
Females Who Drink Beverage Alcohol
And Those Who Do Not.
Relative points to make this easier to grasp:
Compare: Exposures (Babies Exposed) rates to drinkers and non-drinkers.
Babies exposed remains consistent through 70 to 85%.
2004 Birth Stats:
Under 15 Years Old - Total Population 607,434
Canada Live Births 116
Canada Live Births 116
# of Females Who Drink 121,262
% of Females Who Drink 20%
% of Babies Exposed to Alcohol 20%
# of Babies Exposed 23
# of Females Who Do Not Drink 486,172
% of Females Who Do Not Drink 80.0%
% of Babies Not Exposed to Alcohol 80.0%
# of Babies Not Exposed 93
15 to 19 Years Old - Total Population 1,013,994
Canada Live Births 16,456
# of Females Who Drink 715,062
% of Females Who Drink 70.5%
% of Babies Exposed to Alcohol 70.5%
# of Babies Exposed 11,605
# of Females Who Do Not Drink 298,932
% of Females Who Do Not Drink 29.5%
% of Babies Not Exposed to Alcohol 29.5%
# of Babies Not Exposed 4,851
20 to 24 Years Old - Total Population 1,033,611
Canada Live Births 58,186
# of Females Who Drink 881,973
% of Females Who Drink 85.3%
% of Babies Exposed to Alcohol 85.3%
# of Babies Exposed 49,650
# of Females Who Do Not Drink 151,634
% of Females Who Do Not Drink 14.7%
% of Babies Not Exposed to Alcohol 14.7%
# of Babies Not Exposed 8,536
25 to 29 Years Old - Total Population 1,047,458
Canada Live Births 102,453
# of Females Who Drink 811,164
% of Females Who Drink 77.4%
% of Babies Exposed to Alcohol 77.4%
# of Babies Exposed 79.341
# of Females Who Do Not Drink 236,294
% of Females Who Do Not Drink 22.6%
% of Babies Not Exposed to Alcohol 22.6%
# of Babies Not Exposed 23,112
30 to 34 Years Old - Total Population 1,126,228
Canada Live Births 101,460
# of Females Who Drink 872,164
% of Females Who Drink 77.4%
% of Babies Exposed to Alcohol 77.4%
# of Babies Exposed 78,572
# of Females Who Do Not Drink 254,064
% of Females Who Do Not Drink 22.6%
% of Babies Not Exposed to Alcohol 22.6%
# of Babies Not Exposed 22,888
35 to 39 Years Old - Total Population 1,315,449
Canada Live Births 46,704
# of Females Who Drink 1,076,320
% of Females Who Drink 81.8%
% of Babies Exposed to Alcohol 81.8%
# of Babies Exposed 38,214
# of Females Who Do Not Drink 239,129
% of Females Who Do Not Drink 18.2%
% of Babies Not Exposed to Alcohol 18.2%
# of babies Not Exposed 8,490
40 to 44 Years Old - Total Population 1,329,446
Canada Live Births 7,995
# of Females Who Drink 1,087,772
% of Females Who Drink 81.8%
% of Babies Exposed to Alcohol 81.8%
# of Babies Exposed 6,541
# of Females Who Do Not Drink 241,674
% of Females Who Do Not Drink 18.2%
% of Babies Not Exposed to Alcohol 18.2%
# of Babies Not Exposed 1,453
Canada Live Births 352
45 to 49 Years Old - Total Population 1,195,123
Canada Live Births 352
# of Females Who Drink 931,553
% of Females Who Drink 77.9%
% of Babies Exposed to Alcohol 77.9%
# of Babies Exposed 274
# of Females Who Do Not Drink 263,570
% of Females Who Do Not Drink 22.1%
% of Babies Not Exposed to Alcohol 22.1%
# of Babies Not Exposed 73
Let the fetus do its job of becoming your baby.
No Booze. No Drugs. Being Real.
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